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Opus Dei prepares its Ordinary General Congress of 2025

The Prelate of Opus Dei has addressed a letter to the faithful of the Work in which he announces the beginning of the work towards the Ordinary General Congress of the personal prelature of the Catholic Church, scheduled for 2025.

Maria José Atienza-November 15, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
opus dei general congress

Photo: Some of the congresswomen in April 2023 ©Opus Dei

2024 will be marked by more than one news item and, above all, by intense work within Opus Dei. This is what can be gleaned from the brief message that Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, prelate of the Opus DeiThe Prelature has sent to the faithful of the Prelature in which it announces that in 2024, in all the regions where Opus Dei works, it will begin the so-called Weeks of work o Regional Assemblies.

These days of study and work, established in the Opus Dei statutes will have as its theme On the way to the Work's centennial. Deepen our charism and renew our desire to serve God, the Church and society. and will be the most specific preparation for the Ordinary General Congress of 2025.

Participation of all

As he did for the Extraordinary General CongressThe meeting was held in April 2023 on the occasion of the change required of Opus Dei by the Holy See in the Motu proprio. Ad Charisma Tuendum, the prelate wanted to encourage all the faithful of the Work to send their ideas and considerations, thus participating in these Weeks of work.

At this point, the prelate emphasized that this participation, of a "synodal" character, could be a moment "to deepen the 'gift of the Spirit received by St. Josemaría' (Ad charisma tuendum), in the beauty of the mission of service to the Church and society and in the desire to accompany many people on the road to heaven".

The prelate added that "it will also be an opportunity to reflect on how to respond to the challenges of the present time in the spirit of Opus Dei and how to prepare for the centennial in each place.

It should be recalled that, on the occasion of the Extraordinary General Congress, thousands of suggestions were made by faithful of the Work and people close to the charism of the Opus DeiThe prelature's central government was informed.

At that time, the prelate himself, in addition to thanking them as a valuable help, emphasized that the suggestions sent at that time "which were not applicable to what the Holy See was now asking for, could be studied during the next Weeks of work and in preparation for the next ordinary General Congress, to be held in 2025". 

Work weeks in Opus Dei

Regional assemblies, or weeks of workare a tool provided for in numbers 162 to 170 of the current Opus Dei statutes.

They are held every 10 years and their purpose is to study the most relevant topics for the formation and apostolic mission of its members, and to take stock of the time elapsed since the previous assembly.

They are a way of working that is especially open to participation since "it allows us to gather the reflections and opinions of all the people of the Work in order to promote the apostolic work in each country and in each historical moment".

The ideas and suggestions of members and individuals who know and value the charism of Opus Dei are collected, systematized and studied for at least three months.

The conclusions of the regional assemblies are sent to the Prelate and, once approved, are a matter for the ordinary government of the circumscription and are of great relevance for the preparation of the ordinary general congresses.

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