The World

The extraordinary general congress of Opus Dei comes to an end

The Prelate of Opus Dei addressed a letter to the members of the Prelature to thank them for their prayers and to highlight the atmosphere of filiation, fraternity and joy experienced during these days.

Maria José Atienza-April 18, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
opus dei

Photo: Some of the Opus Dei congresswomen ©Opus Dei

Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate of Opus Dei, has directed a letter to the faithful of Opus Dei after the conclusion of the Extraordinary General Congress The purpose of the four-day meeting held in Rome was to adapt the statutes of the Prelature to the indications given by the Pope Francis in the Motu Proprio Ad charisma tuendum.

Fernando Ocáriz thanked the faithful of Opus Dei for their prayers for the fruits of this Extraordinary General Congress.

He also recalled that the suggestions "that were not applicable to what the Holy See was now asking for could be studied during the next work weeks and in preparation for the next Ordinary General Congress, to be held in 2025". Ordinary congresses of the Prelature are held every eight years.

In the brief missive, Ocáriz stresses that the congressmen "have been able to work in depth on the suggestions received from all the regions and a proposal for adjustments to the Statutes is taking shape" which responds to the Pope's request in the motu proprio Ad charisma tuendum".

This work, once ordered and systematized, "will be delivered in the coming months to the Holy See". In fact, the final result of these days "will only be known after the study of the Holy See, which has the last word".

Opus Dei members in their respective dioceses

Nearly 300 men and women from the Opus Dei from all over the world who, during four days (April 12-16), have delineated the relevant changes in the statutes of what, for the moment, is the only one of its kind in the world. personal prelature existing in the Catholic Church.

As one of these congresswomen pointed out in an interview in Omnes, Marta Risari "it would be interesting to specify that the laity are faithful of their dioceses (just like any other laity). To be part of the Opus Dei detracts nothing from their being faithful of the dioceses. Although it is evident to us, perhaps it was not explicitly expressed in the Bylaws".

This same point has been highlighted by Bishop Fernando Ocáriz in this final message. In it he points out that "an effort has been made to express more clearly the charismatic dimension of the Work, which is lived and carried out in communion with the particular churches and with the Bishops who preside over them". 

Paternity, filiation and fraternity

The prelate also wished to emphasize that the "Prelature of Opus Dei is a family, fruit of bonds of paternity, filiation and fraternity". A fraternity that has been especially present during these days with the gathering of people from all over the world who have helped "to pray for each other and, especially, for those who live in nations stricken by war, or by the different forms of poverty and need".

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