The Vatican

The Pope's video, January 2023

Pope Francis has published a video with the intention he entrusts to the World Network of Prayer. These monthly videos are intended to join the Pope in praying for specific intentions of the Holy Father.

Paloma López Campos-January 10, 2023-Reading time: < 1 minute

Pope shares his monthly intention with the World Prayer Network

The Pope Francis has made public its intention to prayer for the month of January. Through this initiative, Francis entrusts his World Network of Prayer with concrete proposals for the whole world to pray with him for various intentions. This time he asks for prayers for educators:

"I want to propose to educators that they add a new content in teaching: the fraternity. Education is an act of love that illuminates the way for us to recover the sense of fraternity, so that we do not ignore those who are most in need. vulnerable. The educator is a witness who does not deliver his mental knowledge, but his convictions, his commitment to life. One who knows how to handle well the three languages: that of the head, that of the heart and that of the hands, harmonized. And hence the joy of communicating. And they will be listened to much more attentively and will be creators of community. Why? Because they are sowing this testimony. Let us pray that educators may be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity instead of confrontation and helping especially those who are not in a position to be a witness to the community. young people most vulnerable".

Below is the Pope's Video:

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