The Vatican

The secrets of the Vatican Museums

The Vatican Museums are launching a series of videos to rediscover in a new way the masterpieces of the pontifical collections.

David Fernández Alonso-April 20, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
musei vaticani

Photo: Musei Vaticani

The Vatican Museums in collaboration with Vatican News are launching a series of videos to discover the secrets of the papal collections entitled "Celata Pulchritudo - The Secrets of the Vatican Museums".

Showing art in a new way

Behind the universally recognized beauty of the masterpieces of the Vatican collections hide secrets, little-known stories and curiosities. "Celata Pulchritudo"-The Secrets of the Vatican Museums" is the new multimedia project created in collaboration between Vatican News and the Vatican Museums, which aims, starting April 20, to show the art of the pontifical collections in a new way, through a series of short videos.

The series reviews from the sources of inspiration of the great masters such as Michelangelo or Raphael, to the fascination and mystery of the ancient pre-Christian civilizations; from the backstage of the Museum, considered by generations of artists as "the school of the world", to the heritage of knowledge, research, conservation and restoration that has been handed down to us through the centuries.

Two versions

A narrative journey that will be developed monthly over the course of a year through two video versions: one with a narrative slant accompanied by a descriptive article, and a shorter version intended for the social media audience. The content will be distributed through the website and social profiles of Vatican News and the Vatican Museums.

A living place

It will be a way to offer a new look at the Vatican Museums which, having remained closed in recent months in compliance with the regulations in force on the Covid-19 pandemic, have never ceased to do so, responding to their vocation as a "living place". "Celata Pulchritudo" is also an opportunity to meet the different professionals and skills that every day are at the service of an institution created to reveal beauty to the world, "a privileged way to meet God".

Aspects to be discovered

"Even the best-known and most photographed works," notes Andrea Tornielli, editorial director of Vatican media, "hide little-known details, curiosities and aspects to be discovered: thanks to the help of those who study, care for, restore and conserve them, we try to bring as many people as possible closer to these treasures of beauty."

"To the Museums, of course, but above all to the people," says Monsignor Paolo Nicolini, deputy director of the Vatican Museums, "to the men and women who work every day to conserve and enhance one of the most famous collections of masterpieces in the world, to them, the true protagonists of this initiative, goes my heartfelt thanks."

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