The Vatican

Pope Francis asks for prayers for parishes

The Pope's World Network of Prayer has launched the video with the intention for the month of February. This month the Holy Father prays for parishes.

Paloma López Campos-February 6, 2023-Reading time: < 1 minute
Pope intends parishes

"Parishes must be close communities, without bureaucracy, centered on people and where to find the gift of the sacraments". This is how the Pope speaks of parishes, for which he asks for prayers in the new intention for the month of February.

In the video published by the Global Prayer NetworkFrancis calls on parishes to be open to everyone: "We should put a sign on the door of every parish that says: 'We should be open to everyone. Free admission". In this way, the temples will avoid becoming "a club for the few, which give a certain social belonging".

Through communion, the Pope says, parishes will become "communities of faith, of fraternity and to welcome the most needy".

Below is the complete video of the Holy Father:

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