
Awarding of diplomas for "Financial Advisor for Religious and Third Sector Entities".

The Francisco de Vitoria University and Banco Sabadell have delivered this morning the diplomas to the students who have completed the course "Financial Advisor for Religious and Third Sector Entities".

Maria José Atienza-May 17, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
institutional advisor course

The presentation of diplomas included a lecture by Mr. Carlos López Segovia, vice-secretary of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, "The structural and organizational diversity of the entities of the Catholic Church". During his presentation, Mr. López Segovia recalled that it was Sinibaldo dei Fieschi, the future Pope Innocent IV, who introduced the concept of juridical person without which the modern legislative framework would not exist. The multiplicity of entities that are part of the Church is very wide, as López Segovia pointed out, and from them, different degrees and forms of relationship are derived; López Segovia listed from dioceses, to non-territorial jurisdictions, religious orders, tertiary orders or foundations....A multiplicity that makes "it is not easy to classify them" as the vice-secretary of the EEC, who also stressed that "the law follows life, so it is very important to know the Church and canon law so that the Church is not treated as just another company". In this sense, he concluded, "knowing the Church allows us to serve better".

In any case, as López Segovia emphasized, "the Church cannot be separated from the Law, nor can the juridical order of the Church be separated from what is human nature, the faithful, who make up the Church. Only by understanding how the Church works can we enter into our Church, which lives and is inserted, with its juridical order, in other civil juridical orders".

On behalf of the students, Anastasio Gómez thanked the organizers, teachers and developers who made this training possible and encouraged them to consider the possibility that this training could become a master's degree.

Félix Suárez, director of the Postgraduate and Lifelong Learning School, also took part in the event, and he wanted to take stock of this course and pointed out that these are pioneering studies, while the director of Religious Institutions and the Third Sector of the Bank, Santiago José Portas Alés, thanked the 243 students who have completed these studies and who are among the 577 students in total, something that shows the interest in this type of consultancy for Religious Institutions, Santiago José Portas Alés thanked the 243 students who have completed these studies and who are part of the 577 students in total, something that shows the interest in this type of consultancy for Religious Institutions, which is already consolidated in Spain, as José Luis Montesino Espartero, Director of Institutional Business at the Bank, pointed out that the management of the Bank's Religious Institutions is already consolidated in Spain.

"Financial Advisor for Religious and Third Sector Entities".

This course "Financial Advisor for Religious and Third Sector Entities" has been developed by the Religious Institutions Department and the Training Department of Banco Sabadell, with the collaboration of the Graduate School and Lifelong Learning of the Francisco de Vitoria University. Taught 100% online, its objective is to provide Religious Institutions and Third Sector entities with the necessary knowledge to facilitate the management of their institutions and the optimization of their resources.

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