When children hurt

As parents we suffer when our children break, in fact, we break with them. Pain is a sign or symptom of something that is in disarray and needs to be sorted out. If we do it as a family it is better. Let our children know that they can count on us and that together we will get through this with God's help.

July 4, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes

(Unsplash / Tá Focando)

Martha was just finishing up the kitchen when the phone rang. As she answered the phone, she heard her daughter crying, "Mom, I'm getting divorcing". Only God and Martha knew how heartbreaking such news could be. A mother always loves, rejoices with the good of her children and suffers with their pain. After the dizziness of the first moment, Maria overcame it to ask: "My daughter, how are you, we must talk calmly, we will see each other as soon as possible".

Then the constant prayer of this troubled mother, the plea to God to restore everything to the order He desires. Then the guilt: "where did I fail, why is she thinking of breaking her promise?" Questions and mental storm that can only be controlled by inviting God into one's own boat. Come Lord Jesus!

Injured children

As parents, we always wish for the success of our children. We would like to see them grow up making the best decisions, prospering in every way, enjoying employment and a well-adjusted family, however, there are many homes that suffer for lack of this. 

Children who fall into various addictions: alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling, etc.

Children who do not find meaning in their lives and live apathetic, discouraged, depressed?

Very wounded children who are causing wounds with violence, arrogance, delinquency...

Children suffering from illness, injustice, lack of employment...

How do Christian parents act when their children hurt?

They pray, do not judge, accompany, seek help, grow together and model what love is.

The story goes that on one occasion an official visited the Golestan palace in Tehran and exclaiming marvels at what he saw commented, "This diamond entrance is colossal!" The tour guide then narrated the story: the architect who had designed the entire palace complex had planned to place at the entrance some priceless mirrors he had seen in Paris. He had them brought from there and paid a fortune for them. When the mirrors finally arrived, he rushed to see the shipment only to be disappointed to find that his longed-for mirrors were broken. He was frustrated, feeling that his plans were falling apart. He then asked for the broken mirrors to be taken away. The workers were just beginning the task when they heard him shout, "No, stop!"

So they did and then saw the architect run for a hammer, he came back and started to break even more of those mirrors, then he would take the small pieces and place them side by side so that this spectacular entrance was designed in which diamonds were perceived instead of broken mirrors. When he finished his feat and looked at it in ecstasy, he expressed some unforgettable and profound words: "broken, to be more beautiful!".

Suffering with children

As parents we suffer when our children break, in fact, we break with them. But if we allow the great architect to take our broken pieces, and freely give them to Him, He will work wonders. The moment of deep pain is not the end of the story, in fact it is God's challenge to us to grow in love and holiness. It is a call to begin again.

Pain is a sign or symptom of something that is in disorder and must be ordered. If we do it as a family it is better. Let our children know that they can count on us and that together we will get through it with God's help. 

We believe in a God who is love, understanding and mercy. Our God is reconciliation and forgiveness. Truth believed must become reality lived.

The authorLupita Venegas

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