A duty for today's Church

The Church today has two fundamental issues on the table: the first is the imperative need for an adult, serious and responsible personal formation.

January 1, 2025-Reading time: 2 minutes
today's church

There is no real awareness of the danger of sects. This affirmation of the expert in this terrible reality, Luis Santamaría, defines, with crude sincerity, a situation that cries out for a renewed commitment to training at all levels to prevent the expansion of pseudo-religious groups. 

From time to time, it is true, and often due to lurid news, society becomes aware, temporarily, of what it means to enter the hell disguised as salvation that are the sects. 

Our society, we cannot deny it, cries out in silence for God and, at the same time, avoids finding him by falling into the nets of esoteric practicesThe current fragility and lack of frontiers of the Internet have provided a fruitful breeding ground for spiritualist currents and destructive sects. 

The Church today has two fundamental issues on the table: the first is the imperative need for an adult, serious and responsible personal formation. 

The faith received is not enough if it is not cared for. "Many people, even having grown up in a Christian environment, resort to techniques and methods of meditation and prayer that have their origin in religious traditions alien to Christianity and the rich spiritual patrimony of the Church. In some cases this is accompanied by the effective abandonment of the Catholic faith, even unintentionally." the Spanish bishops recalled in their doctrinal note on Christian prayer My soul thirsts for the living God, published in 2019. 

Rediscovering the unfathomable richness of the Catholic faith, of the liturgy and especially of the various forms of prayer that have made saints across centuries and cultures remains a challenge for every Catholic. 

Along with this return to the roots of our faith, to this personal relationship with the living Christ, the Church must return today, as in the first centuries, to the first proclamation. A mission that sows in a strange land and that, especially in the West, continues to fill the mouth more than ecclesial actions and projects. 

After a year dedicated to prayer and at the dawn of a new universal Jubilee, these two axes may well be the guides for renewed personal and community missionary action. 

We too will have to begin the conversation with those Samaritans of life who seek, without knowing it, the true source of living water, even though their steps are burned by the errant paths of empty spiritualities that wound body and soul. 

For the cure, the true quenching of the thirst of the soul, comes only from Christ and through Him.

The authorOmnes

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