"There is no smooth path from the earth to the stars."

Young people, with all their potential and energy, need mentors, guides, to help them navigate this complex landscape.

August 29, 2023-Reading time: 4 minutes

(Unsplash / Chang Duong)

At dusk, when the intense summer heat was already waning, I came across a group of girls, maybe 14 or 15 years old, dancing in front of a tripod with a phone. They were rehearsing a simple choreography to the background music of a song from the 90s, but at a higher speed: a "speed-up" of something by Alanis Morrisette. The group's composition and the spirit with which they undertook the challenge for Tiktok were commendable. And they were clearly putting into practice Seneca's advice: "There is no smooth road from the earth to the stars" ("Hercules furens").
Since time immemorial, each generation has faced unique challenges that define its era. However, that timeless truth, expressed by the philosopher Seneca in the words "Non est ad astra mollis e terris via".reminds us that there is no easy path from earth to the stars. This is the journey that our young generation, those souls between the ages of 15 and 20, are beginning to travel, and as they do so, the challenges they face are both universal and specific to their time. But how low the bar is set, if social media dancing is the ultimate difficulty for this generation" ... we might think. Indeed, if they are only facing the drama of the number of likes, it is low aspiration. Nothing to do with a world (or civil) war or with the hunger and poverty of other times.

Current challenges

But it is that the future of our society suffers from a silent and deeper epidemic. The challenges of this generation are somewhat more invisible and pernicious. And here I would like to present the three clearest effects of the plague that is decimating them: the fear of being unique, the hindrance of indifference, and the drama of short-sightedness.

This is not a pessimistic view. Every generation has its challenges and its glories. History has shown us that in every epoch there emerge references that, despite their youth, manage to have a profound impact on the collective conscience. The Renaissance, for example, was a golden age where young people like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo raised the human spirit with their insatiable curiosity and passion for discovery and creation. Not unlike what young people of faith, such as St. Sebastian and St. Thérèse of Lisieux, did by showing unwavering conviction in their beliefs, even in difficult times.

While the cultural references of the past can offer us lessons, current circumstances also have their own peculiarities. In this globalized world, technology has brought with it a double sword: on the one hand, it has democratized access to information and enabled interpersonal connections across geographical barriers, but on the other hand, it has magnified a culture of instantaneousness and constant social comparison. Social networks, despite being powerful communication tools, can often be a source of pressure, especially for younger people, who may feel an overriding need to conform to certain molds and seek constant external validation.

Today's young revolutionaries

Carlo Acutis, a young Italian who left this world at the tender age of 15, is an inspiring example of how one can combine faith, passion and technology to leave a lasting impact. Carlo, who was beatified in 2020, used technology to create a virtual exhibit on Eucharistic miracles around the world. His mantra, "we are all born originals and die as copies," is a profound reflection on the importance of embracing our uniqueness in a world that often favors conformity.

The reality is that while every generation has faced the challenge of finding its identity, our youth today do so in a scenario flooded with stimuli and distractions. Often, in their search for belonging, temptations can arise. One of these is the temptation to be uncomplicated, or in other words, to seek the path of least resistance in a culture that favors instant gratification. Lasting rewards, those that truly matter, require time, effort and, sometimes, facing adversity. This is where the analogy of building a tower, stone by stone, takes on meaning. Every effort, every small accomplishment, is one more step toward the culmination of a larger goal.

Another challenge they face is the "drama of ignorance and short-sightedness". Disinterest often stems from a lack of exposure to the world in all its diversity and wonder. Therefore, it is essential to promote in them an explorer mentality, where the desire for discovery becomes an engine for learning and growing. Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski is a living testimony to this spirit. From building her own airplane at age 14 to being recognized for her work in theoretical physics, Sabrina embodies the power of dedication and passion for learning.

For all these reasons, it is crucial that we not only identify these challenges, but also act. Young people, with all their potential and energy, need mentors, guides to help them navigate this complex landscape. As a society, it is our duty to provide them with tools, not only to overcome obstacles, but also to build a better world for all. I envision a world where spaces are created, such as mentoring groups or community workshops, that foster intergenerational dialogue. Where the experiences and wisdoms of past generations merge with the freshness and momentum of youth.

Ultimately, facing the challenges of raising a new generation is no easy task, but with love, mutual support and conscious action, we can help them chart their own path from the ground to the stars. Because, at the end of the day, our collective responsibility is to ensure that the future is in capable hands, and who better than our young people to lead us to a brighter tomorrow? I invite everyone to join in this mission and to be, at every step, the beacon that guides the next generations toward a future filled with promise and hope.

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