These are cases that have reportedly occurred over the last 50 years concerning the delicta graviora: one of the most serious crimes that can be committed in the Church.
A serious ecclesial crisis
6,000 cases are many, an excessive number that shames us as Christians and particularly as priests. But if we compare these numbers with those offered by state institutions, the cases of pedophile priests would be less than 3% of those reported to the civil authorities. We should also consider that the number of priests worldwide is around 466,000 (diocesan and religious) in addition to deacons and bishops.
On the one hand, such statistical data, simple and to a certain extent incorrect, since no state or ecclesiastical institution has conclusive statistical data, do not allow us to sustain certain statements aimed at provoking social panic and discrediting the Church, unjustly stigmatizing the social group of the clergy.
In the last two decades, we have...
Officer of the Disciplinary Section of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.