The name of the sky

Perhaps one of the most impressive wonders of the Catholic faith is summed up in that phrase of the Creed "I believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting." It doesn't end there.

February 12, 2022-Reading time: < 1 minute
pilgrim conscience

The good things, the good friends, your loves and mine, the ones that have made this world better do not end... because as the popular saying goes "this life deserves another one". And so it is.

Antoni Vadell, who enthusiastically embarked on this adventure of Omnes shortly before his illness was diagnosed, can only be explained in this way. He preferred Paradise, as he often repeated in recent months, and Paradise soon preferred Toni, and Francisco José, and Cristina, and Tito, and Angela and Juan...and all the names that you and I can put in this sentence.

All those who "deserved more time on earth" have deserved Heaven. Our human logic does not understand: young people, dedicated to the service and love of God in different ways, good people, loved by many. Why them?

Our human heart rebels against physical separation and, then, that Sunday, almost mechanically we recite that phrase of the Creed and everything, even if it hurts, takes on a new perspective: I believe that this is not over. I affirm, today, now, that, like that song -that I leave you- by Pablo Martinez, this is a "see you later".

For us, heaven has the name of a family: Father, Mother, Son and siblings, the name of Toni, Francisco José, Cristina, Tito, Angela and Juan, and the name of hope, the hope that our names will be next to theirs in the Book of Life.

The authorMaria José Atienza

Director of Omnes. Degree in Communication, with more than 15 years of experience in Church communication. She has collaborated in media such as COPE or RNE.

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