The challenges of today's Vatican communication

Giovanni Tridente analyzes the communication challenges facing the Vatican today. 

November 1, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

One of the most recent transformations from the point of view of the media that has interested the Roman Curia - the set of bodies that collaborate with the Pope in the spiritual and material government of the Catholic Church - is certainly the one carried out by the Dicastery for Communication. 

It was instituted by Pope Francis on June 27, 2015 - initially under the name "Secretariat" - with the. motu proprio entitled The current communication contextwhich, as we know, is characterized by the presence and the development of the digital mediain a totally convergent and interactive panorama. This dicastery has absorbed the historic Pontifical Council for Social Communications (1948, Pope Pius XII) and assumes all the other structures that over the decades have dealt with Vatican communications: Stampa RoomCTV, Vatican Radio, Typography, L'Osservatore Romanoetc. 

The most visible aspect of this reform has probably taken place on the website. Vatican News, inaugurated on the day of Pope Francis' 81st birthday, December 17, 2017. 

The new information system of the Holy See offers all types of multimedia content in the four thematic information areas chosen by the management, aimed at replacing all web pages and channels. social for information purposes previously used. 

"Moving beyond the concept of simple digital convergencecan be read on the website of Vatican News-, aims to respond to, and in a certain sense anticipate, the constant changes in the place and form of communication.". The supervision was entrusted to an editorial director, an assignment covered by the long-time Vaticanist Andrea Tornielli, already founder and director of Vatican Insider

The marks now related to the information history of the Holy See are primarily the Holy See itself. Vatican Newswhich also identifies the channels social of each linguistic wording; the framework Vatican Mediawhich identifies everything that has to do with multimedia production, regardless of the transmission medium; Vatican Radio Italythe national radio stream available on DAB+, digital terrestrial and FM in the area of the city and province of Rome; the Libreria Editrice Vaticanaspecializing in the publication of books and L'Osservatore RomanoThe daily history is offered both in print and digital format through a website and a app. A further section of the Dicastery is entitled Media Projectswhich is responsible for evaluating possible documentary projects related to video footage and photographic archives of the ceremonies and various sites directly under the Holy See. 

Pope Francis had spoken, in connection with the Vatican MediaThe "irreversible reform," inviting us to take as a guiding criterion the element "...".with a special focus on situations of need, and with a special attention to the"and carrying out a "great team play to better respond to challenges"that today's communication requires.

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