The adventure of educating

A humanistic proposal based on Christian anthropology, in which the family is the main protagonist in the education of children, is evident.

September 21, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes

– Supernatural TRECE television network has started a new season reinforcing social contents with a special focus on the world of education. Within the 20.30 news program presented by the journalist from Navarre José Luis Pérez, on Thursdays at 21.30, the news from the world of education is dealt with on a weekly basis.

It is a bet that potentially has a great interest among a wide sector of the population, especially among parents, who are the first educators of children. But also among teaching professionals at all levels.

The challenge is, obviously, to make a television program that has the dynamism typical of this medium, and that at the same time is rigorous and suggestive for all those who live in close contact with the educational reality.

The ingredients are good. The production of TRECE in an unbeatable schedule, the work of a professional of the solvency of Fernando Salaverri, the content direction of the team of Come and see educationThe friendly and smiling face of the presenter, Paloma Martín-Esperanza, makes one approach the world of education with a positive and suggestive look.

In the background, there is a humanistic proposal based on Christian anthropology in which the family is the first protagonist in educating children, in close collaboration with all institutions, especially with teachers.

The teacher, vocationed and competent, becomes the great dynamizing agent of the educational action. And the student, the true protagonist of education, is empowered to bring out the best of himself and develop his personality to the fullest. A proposal of integral education, paying special attention to the presence of the humanities, the value and richness of our language, our history, and religious education. A vision that avoids the dialectic between public and subsidized schools and is committed to the complementarity of the different educational models.

The brilliant composer and orchestra conductor Luis Cobos has set the melody to The adventure of educating and has created a tune that sets music and rhythm. The program's style, cheerful and suggestive, fits very well with the image of those who set out on a journey with expectations and illusion. An adventure, yes, but more everyday than epic, that combines serenity and joy, playfulness and harmony in its rhythm.

Undoubtedly Luis Cobos has captured and represented in a masterful way what this program wants to be and, above all, what our vision of education should be. A work that combines effort and dedication with a positive proposal, not against anyone, but expressing in a simple way the vision of life and education that comes from Christian humanism.

It is a joy to see that the major media are embracing such an important topic in their schedules, and TRECE deserves to be congratulated for its firm commitment to education.

The authorJavier Segura

Teaching Delegate in the Diocese of Getafe since the 2010-2011 academic year, he has previously exercised this service in the Archbishopric of Pamplona and Tudela, for seven years (2003-2009). He currently combines this work with his dedication to youth ministry directing the Public Association of the Faithful 'Milicia de Santa Maria' and the educational association 'VEN Y VERÁS. EDUCATION', of which he is President.

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