Synod on Youth: Faith and Discernment

January 15, 2018-Reading time: < 1 minute

The Youth Synod will take place in October 2018, so it can now be said that the countdown to its celebration has begun. As our readers are well aware, it will focus on the theme. "Young people, faith and vocational discernment."This is of great interest, given the importance of the realities alluded to by each of the three concepts mentioned, as well as the particular meaning that faith and vocation acquire when young people are considered as their subject.

It is, therefore, a field of fundamental importance for the life of the Church, even in our time. Pope Francis He has shown this, among other occasions, when in January of last year, on the occasion of the presentation of the preparatory document for the synod, he wrote a letter to young people in which, among other things, he encourages them to "listen to the Spirit who suggests bold choices".. In that letter, as he explained to Palabra el Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, "the Pontiff exhorts young people to participate actively, because the Synod is for them and for the whole Church, and he listens to the voice, the sensitivity, the faith and also the doubts and criticisms of young people.".

The authorOmnes

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