TribuneDaniel Arasa

Omnes et omnia

The word "convergence" identifies some of the priorities of Omnesin its characteristic dimension of bringing together diverse platforms. But it also points to its intentions and objectives. 

January 29, 2021-Reading time: 3 minutes

Convergence. For some decades now, this word has become commonplace in newsrooms, corporate communication offices, advertising agencies, internal communication departments of public institutions, etc. Convergence is understood as the confluence of information content thanks to the possibilities of interaction that digital technologies offer, integrating in one platform diverse languages and channels such as voice, video, graphics, data, virtual reality and augmented reality, among others.

We could spend entire pages defending and justifying the importance or convenience of convergence in a world of information confusion. There are few arguments to the contrary and even fewer supporters.

Although technological convergence is certainly a positive instrument, it is not enough. What matters above all is the content, the message, what converges.

Yes, long live convergence, but for what and for whom?

As to the why, we have already mentioned that the volume of information is so great, the channels are so many, the sources so disparate, the informative rhythms so intense, that it is almost essential to have platforms that unify this flood of content, facilitating order, hierarchization, discrimination and, even more importantly, the proposal of interpretative keys to the information tsunami.

The por whom is closely related to the for what. The pace of life, work and mobility has accelerated exponentially. This is probably not consistent with the quality of life that, in a thousand different ways, contemporary societies aim to achieve. But this discussion goes beyond the scope of these lines. Here we start from a reality: citizens, readers, and almost none of us, are in a position to follow the multiple sources of information. Unifying, without standardizing, is the only way to facilitate intelligent and efficient access to the flow of communication. A multiplatform such as Omnes is good news because it is one more tool in the task of making it easier for readers to sort through a variety of sources, not always reliable.

Due to its technical conditions, the new portal Omnes is an ideal instrument not only to reach everyone (omnes), but also to speak about everything (omnia) with the open-mindedness proper to the Christian values that inspire the project. Certainly, the name is not enough, but Omnes must demonstrate in each issue of its magazine, and in each article of its portal, that universal outlook. It must offer information that is rigorous and attractive; critical and constructive; profound and accessible; plural and respectful, but firm in its non-negotiable values. Obviously, in this in-formative ideal, professionalism is presupposed, but of this there is little doubt for those who are familiar with the historical background of Omnes (Palabra magazine) and its editorial team. Moreover, the new professional incorporations are another guarantee of this. And if all this (convergence, mentality, firm values, professionalism) is valid in the field of general information, it is even more valid in the field of religious information that touches on issues crucial to the lives of millions of believers, such as faith, religious practice, interreligious dialogue, social and cultural trends, or the life of the institutions and personalities of the Church.

However, beyond digital or technological convergence, I believe that another type of convergence matters, which I would call ecclesial (not ecclesiastical). Please do not

I am with the saint of Hippo: "in necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas" (in what is essential unity, in what is doubtful freedom, in everything charity or love).

At a time of notable divisions in the Catholic Church, particularly evident in the sphere of social networks, anything that offers dialogue and balanced visions comes as water under the bridge. At Omnes I suppose we will talk about everything, even about what is wrong with the Church, but always in a constructive, proactive and proactive way. It is not a matter of denying the reality of the facts, the scandals, or the power struggles, but of putting these realities in context and giving them meaning, in order to understand that the human vicissitudes of the Church are part of divine Providence.

We hope that Omnes to build bridges that unite or at least allow for dialogue between opposing and distant shores. May it help to separate the important from the accidental, from the momentary; to transmit serenity and, at the same time, to shake consciences so that Catholics, together with the rest of their fellow citizens, may contribute to the improvement of society. I am one of those who believe that the best way to achieve this positive contribution is to form intellects and transform hearts. Omnes an effective means of doing so. Surely it is not and will not be the only one, but it is going in that direction.

I predict that Omnes becomes, and will be from the beginning, that meeting point that is proposed. I wish the reader, user or collaborator a good experience.

The authorDaniel Arasa

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