Júbilo, jobel and jubilar

On December 24, 2024, an ordinary Jubilee Year began, that is, a year of joy and jubilation for the birth of Jesus. The archangel St. Gabriel when he appeared to the Virgin to announce to her that she was to be the mother of God said to her words synonymous with jubilation, "Rejoice!", "rejoice!".

March 17, 2025-Reading time: 3 minutes

Pope Francis prays before the holy door of St. Peter's Basilica (Photo CNS / Vatican Media).

The word of Latin origin joy has many synonyms, joy, happiness, contentment, contentment, rejoicing, joy, pleasure,... Other words such as jubilee, jubilee, jubilee, are born from it. But its etymological origin is Hebraic and is in the word "jobel" which is synonymous with remission, liberation, forgiveness ... But it is also the ram's horn that transmitted these liberating concepts in the Old TestamentThe sounding of the bell announced the beginning of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), since when it sounded it announced the beginning of this annual celebration.

The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)

It is a day of repentance, atonement and thanksgiving for Yahweh's (God's) forgiveness of the Jewish people. The grave sin for which they asked forgiveness was not having trusted in God's help, after the seven plagues sent for the rescue of Egypt and the passage through the Red Sea, through the intercession of the prophet Moses. As a result of the lack of trust in God, the Hebrews created a golden calf with the intention of using it as an idol, while Moses received the tablets of the law on the sacred mount Sinai. These ended up being thrown by the prophet against the metallic figure as a result of the courage that such a scene produced in him after his dedication to the divine will, destroying such an offense. After this event the people of Israel repented of their lack of trust in God and began a period of atonement, which culminated with the forgiveness of Yahweh and as an external sign he gave a second copy of the 10 commandments and with the creation of this feast that began with the sound of the jobel.

The Jewish Jubilee Year

This event caused the creation of years of grace and joy every fifty years. In Leviticus it is indicated that seven cycles of seven sabbatical years must be counted, which means forty-nine years. And it is in the fiftieth year when there is a year of rest of the land, condonation of debts, restitution of land, liberation of slaves, ransom of property... This year also began with the liberating sound of the jobel. This would give origin to the Jubilee Years. 

The Christian Jubilee Year

On December 24, 2024 began an ordinary Jubilee Year, that is, a year of joy and jubilation for the birth of Jesus, which has been happening every 25 years in the Catholic Church for centuries. The archangel St. Gabriel when he appeared to the Virgin to announce to her that she was going to be the mother of God told her words synonymous with jubilation, "Rejoice!", "rejoice!".

The first Jubilee was proclaimed by Boniface VIII, when he declared the year 1300 as "Holy Year" and "Year of Forgiveness of sins". Instead of the sounding of the jobel in this case holy doors are opened to begin the Jubilee Year. There are four holy doors of the great basilicas of Rome and a fifth in a prison in Rome, which are opened with the intention of winning the jubilee.

When did the doors open?

The Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica was opened on December 24, 2024, with the beginning of the Jubilee, that of the Cathedral of St. John Lateran on December 29, 2024, that of the Basilica of St. Mary Major on January 1, 2025 and that of the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls on January 5, 2025.

Ways to earn the Jubilee or plenary indulgence.

The Bull of Convocation of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025, "The Jubilee of the Year 2025".Spes non confundit"The book explains how there are multiple ways to earn the Jubilee (or cleansing of the soul), with the usual conditions established by the church (Communion, Confession, prayer for the Roman Pontiff and firm resolution not to sin again) and carrying out some actions such as a pilgrimage to the cathedral of the diocese, carrying out some work of mercy, participating in training sessions where the catechism is explained...

The authorÁlvaro Gil Ruiz

Professor and regular contributor to Vozpópuli.

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