Guest writersCardinal Anders Arborelius

Hope in evangelization

Our time of secularization needs hope more than ever before. Easter, now approaching, must always be at the center of our way of evangelizing - and so it can also transmit this hope as a natural and logical consequence.

March 15, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
Good news

Photo credit: Jon Tyson / Unsplash

In general, we talk a lot about faith and love, but sometimes we forget hope. Our time of secularization needs hope more than ever before. And naturally, during this period of pandemic this need will be even more pressing.

Our faith in the risen Jesus Christ always remains the source of our hope. Through his resurrection he has conquered sin and death, and has opened up for us an endless future, that is, our participation in his eternal glory. The Easter message must always be at the center of our way of evangelizing - and so it can also transmit this hope as a natural and logical consequence.

Today's secularized people need to discover this paschal hope. Otherwise, death will be the final word and the fundamental climate of their life. It is our vocation as Christians to live our Easter faith in such a way that we always grow in love for our secularized brothers and sisters so that we can show by our way of living this Easter hope.

The authorCardinal Anders Arborelius

Bishop of Stockholm. Member of the Council of Economy of the Holy See as well as the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

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