Three healthy, happy and holy young people

How much the face of the earth would change if our greatest influencers were the saints that the Catholic Church points to as examples to follow.

July 16, 2024-Reading time: 3 minutes

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I was about 12 years old when in a group dynamic that took place in my school, a wise and close nun asked us: "Who do you admire and why?"

There were varied answers, some mentioned famous actors or actresses, others mentioned some outstanding sportsmen, I remember that I thought very seriously first of my parents but I wanted to refer to someone external because that was how the others did it and I said, "St. John Bosco!"

My parents spoke to me a lot about him because they were Salesian collaborators. They spoke of him with admiration, I remember that I was impressed to know that he was a great educator and that he approached young people with the power of love. He used to juggle and other tricks to attract them to Jesus. He invited them to be always cheerful with a sincere smile. 

As the years have gone by, I realize that his personality has influenced me. I have wanted to be like him in many aspects and definitely, his example has contributed in my own way of life, in which I try to please God even in the midst of stumbles and falls.   

84 % of people say that having a role model has made them feel more confident about what they want in life. Those who admire someone do so because of certain personality traits that harmonize with a sense of life. 

When children and young people have role models and reflect on the reasons why they do so, they find meaning in their lives. And this is indeed a formidable pillar for building healthy, happy, holy and fruitful lives.

In today's world, our children follow "influencers" who do not necessarily practice virtues or have high ideals. There are many who only invite us to experience new, extreme, chilling sensations...

Parents are there to guide. Let us introduce our children to true role models. There are young people who know how to enjoy life in a healthy way and attached to a mature faith.

Three of them are relatively recent and are on their way to the altars. Let's review a little of their life and qualities: Schäffer, Frassati and Acutis.

Guido Shäffer

Guido Shäffer (1974-2009) Brazilian, the "surfing angel". With a cheerful character, he had a passion for surfing because when he practiced it he felt closer to God. From a Catholic family, he lived his faith naturally. He organized with friends to pray the Rosary on the beach before taking the waves. He was a doctor and entered the seminary because he wanted to become a priest. He worked at the Santa Casa de Misericordia (Holy House of Mercy) caring with deep closeness to poor patients and especially to people with HIV. He had a prayer group called "Fire of the Holy Spirit". For this reason, his life is described in the book entitled: "Guido, messenger of the Holy Spirit".

He died at the age of 34 while surfing... The board he was carrying hit him in the back of the head and he suffered a concussion. He had once remarked that he would like to die like that, at sea, doing what he loved most. He died shortly before being ordained a priest, leaving an indelible mark on those who knew him.

Pier Giorgio Frassati

Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-1925), Italian. Mountaineer. He learned the faith from his mother, but his father was anticlerical and a non-believer. At a time when Italy was in conflict after the First World War, he said: "I would give my life to end the war". 

He participated in Catholic organizations that were committed to doing good. He dedicated himself to caring for the poor, the sick and the homeless. He wanted to be close to the miners who suffered terrible unjust conditions, practically slavery. He founded a youth group of prayer and adoration which he jokingly called "The Suspicious Guys" whose maxim was: "few but good as macaroni". When he died of polio, many, many people came to his funeral, the poor he loved, his friends and so many who admired him. His father regretted not having known his son well and it is said that Pier Giorgio's first miracle was the conversion of his father who later died receiving the Holy Oils while he was already a son of the church.  

Carlo Acutis

Carlo Acutis (1991-2006). Italian, "God's influencer". Son of Catholic parents but not practicing. Since he was a child he showed great love for the Eucharist, for the Marian invocations, for the sacred sites. A millennial, a true digital native who knew how to evangelize with new technologies. He could become "the patron saint of the web". He created a site on Eucharistic miracles and another on Marian apparitions, thus attracting young people to the themes of faith. He was an ideal catechist for his times, with great pedagogy and conviction. He used to say that the Eucharist is the highway to heaven. 

May we in every family know how to speak about those we admire. Let us make the exercise of getting to know more about these young and current saints who can inspire us so much. How much the face of the earth would change if our greatest influencers were like them: healthy, happy and holy!

The authorLupita Venegas

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