To my guardian angel

I thank God for making you my companion on the path of life, for being that inseparable shadow, that nearby door always open to transcendence.

October 2, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes

Dear guardian angel:

Congratulations on your day! Although well, wishing happiness to you who are literally in Glory, maybe it's not the best way to show you my affection.

If at least you had a body, I would give you a hug, but you are pure spirit and I cannot see you, feel you, smell you, hear you....

I hope not to offend you by giving you prominence because if there is something that has always characterized you is your humility. You have never, ever, sought to appear and you don't mind when I forget about you so many times or live as if you didn't exist, but you are so discreet! I understand that, as a good secret agent, your job is precisely not to give yourself away and that's why I confirm that you are so good at what you do: you leave no trace! And you do it well because, otherwise, you would put my freedom to choose to believe or not in a bind.

After every action of yours, I have always been able to blame it on luck, chance or even my own personal worth. And how many other times have you acted without my even being aware of the dangers!

Sometimes you present yourself in the form of another person: through a friend, my wife, or even a stranger. That's where I've been able to get to know you on many occasions. You'll explain to me when we meet face to face how you do it, but I'm sure you agree among yourselves, don't you? You go and tell one of your companions: "hey, tell your human to tell mine such and such". And there goes that human, who suddenly comes up with a thought without knowing why, blurts it out, and you freak out because it's just what you needed to hear that day.

As I am a rational person, I can always put it down to the human, intellectual or spiritual quality of those who have so often been angels for me, but it is not so clear to me when I have been the one you have used to give messages to others. Many times there are those who have reminded me of some words of mine that helped them, although I was not conscious of having pronounced them, at least in the sense that the other person interpreted them. Where did that thought come from? Who induced it? It is clear to me. The Holy Spirit has you as errand boys. These inspirations of yours are not so surprising, because they are very similar to those other "suggestions to the ear" that your fallen companion insists on making to us and that always seem to be full of light. Those who are not spiritually trained do not recognize them, but when one has fallen into their trap many times, one no longer doubts their existence and tries to be always alert.

It is seen that the bad guy, as he is proud and vain, is not so concerned about erasing his tracks and, although he wants to go unnoticed, in reality he cannot avoid leaving his mark. So, in the end, thanks to him, I believe more in you.

Someone who reads me will think that I am childish, that I dedicate this letter to my imaginary friend, that I believe in invisible beings that rise and fall from the sky... Let him think what he wants. I only believe in what I see with my own eyes, which are not only those I have on my face, but also those that allow me to know that other transcendent reality that every man and woman throughout history has been and is able to discover for himself.

What is childish is to hide in the refuge of the five senses, denying any other form of knowledge for fear of not being able to control it. When the subject is discussed, I always remember that courageous phrase of the scientific popularizer Eduard Punset who said that "intuition is a source of knowledge as valid as reason" Did you suggest it to him? I wouldn't be surprised, because it helps me a lot to repeat it.

There are certainly so many daily realities in which intuition guides us better than reason! There are so many patterns and signs that go unnoticed to the naked eye! It takes, yes, sensitivity and detachment from the material; but, the one who is able to read them, discovers how the true good, the true beauty or the true truth -value the braying-, are not where everyone looks, where everyone touches, where everyone smells; but in less common places.

Well, I sense you, dear angel, and I thank God for making you my companion on the road of life, for being that inseparable shadow, that close door always open to transcendence. Forgive me for giving you so much work with my continuous attempts to get off the road to heaven. Tie me short, you know I can't be trusted.

And one last wish: tell your companion, the companion of that reader who reads me now, that today he may feel the joy of being accompanied, cared for and consoled. And suggest to him not to keep it for himself alone, but to share it with all his loved ones, because today is a great feast in heaven and earth!

The authorAntonio Moreno

Journalist. Graduate in Communication Sciences and Bachelor in Religious Sciences. He works in the Diocesan Delegation of Media in Malaga. His numerous "threads" on Twitter about faith and daily life have a great popularity.

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