Heaven's friends

January 29, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes

"The message that navigates the internet and networks arrives in the present, but will remain for the future illuminating the lives of people who may not yet be born." With these words, full of faith in the future and in the information professionals, Bishop Juan del Río encouraged the project of Omneswhich he got to know first-hand last October.

For this reason, when, almost at the same time that the religious information portal saw the light of day, we received the news of his departure to Heaven, the team at Omnes remembered those words, which were also reported in last October's print magazine and can be read here.

Omnes is born with one more friend in heaven and, in this case, it is someone who has first-hand knowledge of the aspirations, challenges and also the problems that a project of this nature inevitably encounters.

This strange period in which we are living is placing us face to face with life and death, with futility and eternity, with the ephemeral and the enduring. Therefore, as we reread the lines at the head of this article, any of us who dedicate ourselves to the noble and dangerous profession of informing must bear in mind what light we want to leave for those future people who, even by chance, will come to know our words. If they do, may they illuminate the way to who the Word is.

To be co-redeemers with Christ through our work, which is words. To make it possible that, as Pope Francis said in his Message for Social Communications Day last year,"by the work of the Holy Spirit every story, even the most forgotten, even the one that seems to be written with the most crooked lines, can become inspired, can be reborn as a masterpiece, becoming an appendix to the Gospel.". A task for all communicators but, even more evident if, as in the case of OmnesIts purpose is precisely to provide information related to the Church and the life of Catholics today.

In the last pastoral letter of Bishop Del Rio, in which he described the Fratelli Tutti, addressed the military, asking them to be a bridge and not a trench, through the "cultivation of kindness", that "facilitates the search for consensus, opens paths and avoids blowing up the bridges of understanding. There are people who do it and become light in the midst of darkness". At a time when information - also in many cases religious information - has become a battlefield, these words become, at the very least, an enlightened guide to our professional and personal mission.

With Don Juan in Heaven we embark on this long and hopefully fruitful journey, which we hope will also be our path to holiness.

I recently heard that "happiness is Heaven's friends". and it is true. The life of a Christian, that of everyone, is directed to love without limits, to the true '...'.caritasThe love in essence, divine, of which those who already enjoy the presence without time participate.

The reality is that Heaven is filling up with so many friends that we cannot afford not to use all means, human and divine, to get there.

The authorMaria José Atienza

Editor-in-Chief at Omnes. Degree in Communication, with more than 15 years of experience in Church communication. She has collaborated in media such as COPE or RNE.

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