Evangelizing on Twitter, Xiskya Valladares

January 5, 2017-Reading time: < 1 minute

Best practices to evangelize on twitter
Xiskya Valladares
117 pages
San Pablo. Madrid, 2016

Text - Jesús Ortiz López

Out of 7 billion people on the planet, 3 billion are active internet users. Most of them use social networks and twitter is the fifth most used. But the question is: how can one give Christian witness on twitter?

We believers are people who interact with our peers also in the digital streets, as was the wish of John Paul II: "If we have to go where the people are, we have to go to the Internet. And the Church knows it.

The author of this book, collaborator of Palabra and co-founder of iMision, invites us to use the Internet more, just as we should suggest to a priest to use the microphone so that he can be heard. She also explains how to make the Internet a place of communion, not just an impersonal cloud. In the second part of the book he adds thirty good practices for evangelizing on twitter and transmitting information, promoting initiatives and generating community.

The book is practical and the result of the author's long experience. It is well documented, well illustrated and easy to read. Above all, it opens up new horizons. At the end of reading it, it is easy to conclude: "I have to use networks more".

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