Mother's Day and the social sewing machine

On St. Joseph's Day, the day of fatherhood, we must vindicate fathers, since we all want to enjoy this figure so necessary for a full development.

March 19, 2025-Reading time: 2 minutes

(Unsplash / Kelli McClintock)

Our society is like a tailor's box, where there is a ramshackle set of ideas that coexist in a supposed harmony. Until the fashionable dressmaker arrives and arranges his material and tools, fed up with not finding anything in its place, and places everything to his liking. Giving priority to what he thinks has to be more at hand because he understands what is more useful. In such a way that there are ideas of first, second,... according to his personal use.

One of those ideas that has been consolidated in a corner of the social sewing box as something unimportant for some people is fatherhood. Because it seems that being a father is secondary, because what it brings is something dispensable, like fathering children or raising them. Nothing could be further from the truth, since fatherhood is irreplaceable, it is the natural complement to motherhood.

Relegating parenthood

María Calvo Charro, law professor and lecturer, says that "fatherhood has also been distorted. Just as men are required to be feminine, soft, empathetic, sensitive and emotional, fatherhood is required to be like an 'encore mom', to be like a real woman. And this generates a lot of frustration for men. In fact, what are called matrifocal families have developed. In the social scenario or in this social mantra, they are families in which the mother distrusts the father, the paternal masculine style that we have talked about. Of that style that implies giving protection and security to the children". That is to say, they want to sell us that we need an "encore mother", a "pa-mother" and a mother. And what we need is the virility, determination and donation of a good father and the gentleness, understanding and unconditional dedication of a good mother. 

A feminism This misunderstanding has led to this reality, in such a way that fatherhood has been relegated to the empowerment of women, who have gone too far in the face of the irrational machismo that has been in place and has been at ease for centuries.

Claiming fathers

But we must be clear that, just as the sky has been overcast for most of March and the situation seemed endless -giving us Noah's perspective- in the end the sun came out. With the subject of parenthood, and with other subjects, there will be a dawning, a pendulum swing and it will be placed in its rightful place, since it is something necessary for a complete education. 

In the life process of a person, a father or a mother may be missing, but someone plays this necessary role if we do not want a personal imbalance. 

An absent father can provoke identity, referential or integrity problems in children. Hence the need for his presence and proactivity.

For this reason, once again this year, on the day of St. Joseph -We must vindicate this figure of fatherhood. Since we all want to enjoy this figure so necessary for a full development. Whether it is thanks to a biological or adoptive father, or to any relative or person who is a reference of masculinity that gives generously.

The authorÁlvaro Gil Ruiz

Professor and regular contributor to Vozpópuli.

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