Television, Belorado and the Neocatechumenal Way

The Neocatechumenal Way will have had tensions, but always within the Church; and in the end they are nothing more than quarrels of brothers of a family. And that family is the Church of Rome.

March 24, 2025-Reading time: 2 minutes

In its latest informational sleight of hand, the program Research Team of La Sexta has left an image designed to generate confusion, if not to damage openly: that of a certain false bishop, new spiritual godfather of the nuns of Belorado, launching his sophlamies among paintings of Kiko Argüello. With this, and without the need to say it openly, the shadow of suspicion already falls over the Neocatechumenal WayIs he behind this character? Is there not some sedevacantism among the brothers of the Way? By giving up their image, are they not giving implicit support to the schismatic delirium of these sisters? Questions whose answer does not correspond to us, but which, no doubt, all those who saw the program are asking themselves today.

The Neocatechumenal Way within the Church

It is worth remembering, however, that the truth does not always fit into a television frame. The Neocatechumenal WayThe Church, like it more or less, is a reality fully recognized by the Church. Its adherence to the Pope is not a matter of posturing or convenience, but rather of statute approved by the Holy See. One can debate about its style, its method or its iconography, but never about its communion with Rome.

The Way will have had tensions of all kinds within the Church, but always, always, within the Church; and in the end they are nothing more than the quarrels that the different brothers of the same family may have, each one with his own ways, when they live under the roof of their mother. And that mother is, and continues to be, the Church of Rome.

Joining the Pope in the age of images

One already knows that we live in the age of the image, in the dictatorship of entertainment at all costs and in a society with a constant hunger for spectacle, one assumes and copes as best one can, but that does not mean that one must accept that truth and rigor are sacrificed, time and again, on the altar of entertainment. Because the morbidity provoked by an image lasts five minutes, but the ghost of suspicion, once cast over the Camino and those responsible for it, takes much longer to leave.

Even so, and no matter how much they try to tarnish its name, let the Way continue doing its own thing, which is to evangelize, catechize and serve. While others speculate, let your communities continue to meet, to celebrate the Word, to show the world "how the brothers love each other. Keep on, above all, in full and unwavering communion with the Pope, no matter how many television channels or websites dedicated to discrediting him, "holy crosses" with such bad prose that, yes, they have some "cross", but very little of "holy". Keep it up to show that, no matter how hard you try, you cannot extinguish five decades of fidelity to the successor of Peter as easily as you can turn on a television spotlight.

The authorJuan Cerezo

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