Educating in a rapidly changing world

February 26, 2018-Reading time: 2 minutes

Today's changing society demands from teachers a positive, oxygenating, clear, brief and attractive discourse. Hence the need for teachers, including religion teachers, to constantly improve their training, both in terms of content and pedagogy.

Text- Alfonso Aguiló. President of the Spanish Confederation of Educational Centers.

The world of education is undergoing major changes. It is true that the essentials remain the same. It is true that we are still looking for light on the same big questions we have always asked. But, as John Henry Newman said, sometimes we have to change in order to remain ourselves. Because our mission remains the same, but our environment changes. The people who listen to us change, their expectations and their sensibilities change. And we cannot continue doing the same thing even if we are essentially moving in the same direction.

A look at the last few decades shows us that we have evolved a lot, that there have been very important social changes. Those of us who work in teaching have changed a lot, and our own work helps us to know well how mentalities and sensibilities have changed and are changing. But some teachers are adapting better than others to these changes. We should not take refuge in the idea that it is enough to continue doing everything as we have always done it and that's it. Many educational challenges of a few decades ago are still valid, but there are others that have been overcome, and new ones have appeared. We must face these changes intelligently and with a good knowledge of the world we are heading for.

We must dedicate time and effort to know well the culture in which we live. We must be interested in discerning these changes, without relying too much on the precooked analyses that are presented to us from many different spheres. To scan the horizon, to test, to ask, to contrast, to innovate. We are in a rapidly changing world, and all these changes are of interest to us and we see them with a positive outlook. And knowing well what is happening in our environment, we will be more successful in all our approaches and approaches.

Our communicative discourse must be positive, affable, oxygenating and attractive. With a close, simple, clear and brief language. All teachers, especially those of religion, must constantly improve their preparation. In the depth of its contents and in its actuality. In substance and in form. In being oneself and in learning from others. In the methods of always and in the new ones. In the masterly lesson and in awakening participation. In the ultimate fundamentals and in their practical consequences. In everything, because these are issues that affect everything and should be of interest to everyone. Education is not to make people think as we do, but to make them think for themselves, have their own opinions and critical sense and find their own way, which is different and proper to each one of us.

The authorOmnes

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