
Homeless people and organizations denounce the obstacles to leaving homelessness

Spanish religious men and women to elect their new presidency

David Shlomo Rosen: "Religion must not become a political entity".

Bishop García Beltrán calls for "personal and pastoral conversion" to evangelize

Mónica Marín: "The mission transforms me day by day".

Dioceses begin the journey of the listening synod

"We have once again remembered that Spain is the land of Mary".

Archbishop of Toledo to open synod in a "spirit of reparation"

The lives of missionaries, an example for all Catholics

The Spanish Church: solidarity and action in the face of the Palma volcano

Bishop Argüello: "How can human life not be considered a protected species?"

"We have to be creative in reaching out to those outside the Church."

"Politics is sometimes not understood as service and is invasive."

Freedom and honor. The Christ of Urda and its minor basilica

Spanish bishops propose to look with new eyes at migrants

The "youngest" World Youth Day kicks off this year's campaign

Torreciudad dresses the Virgin with flowers on Family Day

Frater España re-elects Enrique Alarcón with a message of joy

Processions return to Andalusia after a year and a half

Keys and challenges for the Spanish Church in the coming years

Day of the Virgin in Torreciudad: "Together with Her, everything is arranged".

Prayers for the Spanish military deployed in Afghanistan

The Spanish pilgrimage of the Cross and the WYD icon

"Faithful to missionary sending": the EEC's guidelines for 2021-2025

"If we really care about the elderly, we have to listen to them."

Special 'On the Road to Santiago' of Omnes Magazine

HOAC Summer Courses: Social Reconstruction after the Pandemic

Banco Sabadell and Amundi promote responsible investments

European bishops and Abat Oliba sign a cooperation agreement

HOAC inaugurates new stage, presidency and priorities for the future

"The 1,200 years of Oviedo Cathedral is a moment of grace".

This is how the Litany of St. Joseph is written in Spanish

Bishop Julián Barrio: "Santiago offers the immense gift of great forgiveness".

Bishop Argüello: "I ask respect for the 'euthanasia-free zones'".

1 out of every 3 baptisms in the world takes place in mission territories

"We need effective, supportive and creative ways of welcoming migrants."

"These Conversations eliminate the gap between social reality and the Church."

"The brotherhoods bring hope to thousands of people and lead them to faith."

Ángel Lasheras, new Rector of the Torreciudad Sanctuary

Bishop Rico Pavés, new bishop of Assidonia - Jerez

The reform of the Vatican penal system, theme of the Omnes Forum

"Thanks to Caritas, I not only have a home, but a family."

"Me Apunto a Religión" underlines the value of the subject for society.
Time to take faith seriously

"Let's Be More People": concern for others as a way of life

Aid to the Church in Need launches "I ache for Africa" campaign

Professor Gonzalo Herranz, depth and dialogue

"Desperation cannot be used by any state for political purposes."