
XXVI CEU Angel Herrera Awards

Msgr. Luis Argüello: "All the charisms of the Church are necessary".

Mayte Rodríguez: "Jews and Christians must work and dialogue on everything that unites us".

Large families, in danger of extinction?

The ACdP congratulates Christmas with those who also "were born again".

Uneven assessment of bishops on the treatment of religious education

"We have discovered a Carmen deeply in love with Christ."

Bravo! 2022 Awards

Catholic Schools launches a message of encounter and dialogue at its congress

Bishops' Framework Protocol for Abuse Prevention and Guidance

Bishop José MazuelosCanary Islands is not a prison for young people".

César García Magán: "I come to listen, to learn and to contribute".

César García Magán, new Secretary General of the Spanish bishops

Rosa Maria Murillo: "I have never ceased to be surprised by what God does in people".

Sebastián Gayá. The child in God's hands

120th EEC Plenary Assembly begins

The new secretary general of the Spanish bishops, next Wednesday

Lydia Jiménez: "Creative minorities are yeast, not dynamite".

The uncertainty of the future

32 % of households, with serious difficulties for a decent living

Bishop García Beltrán: "On the front line of dialogue with society, many risks are taken".

Bishop Segura: "The focus of this campaign is to give thanks".

Isaías Hernando: "The economy should not be measured by the size of GDP".

Spanish Church launches "Paradarluz" a portal on child protection and abuse prevention

St. Isidore, nine centuries of example of sanctity in marriage and family life

Saint Isidore. History and devotion

Carmen PeñaCanon Law is responsible for creating a framework for the prevention of abuses".

"A democratic state cannot impose an anthropological vision in all areas."

Kick-off of the missionary month in Spain

The themes of the meeting of the permanent commission of the Spanish bishops' conference

Migration is not a problem, it is an opportunity

Mother María Antonia. A strong and committed woman

Lourdes Perramón: "Something that characterizes us as a Congregation is our permanent dynamism".

The XXX Marian Family Day in Torreciudad is approaching

Caritas Ceuta: dignifying those in need

Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza repeats his presidency of the Catholic Association of Propagandists.

Bishop Argüello: "What everyone spoke about at the synod was the Eucharist".

Aid to the Church in Need breaks records in 2021, thanks to legacies

2021, the most complicated year in the history of Manos Unidas

Synod Assembly in Spain: "We listen to the Holy Spirit by listening to the people of today".

The Synod in Spain: the process is already a result

Religious destinations gain momentum as pandemic ends

Bravo Awards 2021 : "Authentic communication is still possible".

"The Church has in the elderly an army of witnesses of Faith".

Msgr. Luis ArgüelloThe moral health of a society is demonstrated by its defense of life".

Santiago Leyra-CuriáThe new generations want to be educated so as not to be manipulated".

The Church is grateful and accountable for its work on pandemic in Spain

"No vocation is indifferent to us."