
Torreciudad: Opus Dei explains the current situation

Msgr. Paglia proposes prioritizing home care over residential care

Madrid will host the March for Life March 10

Opus Dei has investigated 7 cases of sexual abuse in Spain

The new edition To give light brings together the reports of Cremades and the Spanish Ombudsman

Increase in baptisms and canonical marriages in Spain by 2022

Bravo! 2023 Awards recognize Manuel Garrido, "Libres" and ACdP

Infancia Misionera launches its Advent Campaign

Pope encourages Spanish bishops to adapt seminaries to "changing times"

The Spanish bishops to the People of God: "asking for forgiveness and forgiving is the first step to heal wounds".

Spanish bishops launch comprehensive reparations project for abuse victims

"The Mass is not a spectacle.". The Spanish bishops publish guidelines for the broadcasting of celebrations.

Cardinal Omella: "Reformist attempts that fragment coexistence in Spain are not valid".

Cardinal Rouco encourages faith in God at the 25th CEU Congress

The Spanish bishops will decide in November on the "Cremades report".

The Spanish Church calls for "pride in being Catholic".

What is happening in Torreciudad?

Spain is the country with the most young people at WYD in Lisbon

Opus Dei will study "carefully" the situation of the Torreciudad shrine

Bishop Aznárez Cobo: "The mission of military chaplains is to be pastor and father".

José Cobo, Cardinal for "a Samaritan Church".

Evangelization at the heart of the 25th Congress of Catholics and Public Life

Caritas helped 2.8 million people by 2022

Donations to Aid to the Church in Need on the rise

Spain is the country with the most missionaries in the world

The Jesuit Migrant Service is concerned about the mental health of people detained in the CIEs.

Grateful disciples, co-responsibility and leadership

Bishops ask that communication fill the soul

The Spanish Church in 2021: sacraments and care for the unemployed to be recovered

The EEC instruction on sexual abuse. A reflection

Unemployment and occupational accidents, concerns of the Church

Jesus Torres: "Africa evangelized me".

Surrogate motherhood "exploits women," denounce Spanish bishops

Spanish bishops approve Instruction on sexual abuse

Juan José Omella: "God's desire is emerging".

García Magán: "Not everything that is technically possible is ethically acceptable".

Church in Spain waives some tax exemptions

Bishop José Rico Pavés: "A living Church is rich in ministries".

Church support for 4 million people in Xtantos 2023 campaign

Declarations in favor of the Church increase by 8.5%

Marcelino ManzanoAlmost half of our seminarians come from the world of sororities".

Omnes Forum focus: religious leaders encourage mutual understanding

Leaders of different denominations remind that human dignity "does not depend on social consensus".

The abortion law is "at the service of savage neocapitalism".

Caritas will help more than 5,000 people to access the labor market

Stopping inequality is in your hands

Call to communion in the synodal process by the Spanish bishops

Salesian wounded in Algeciras attack, out of danger