
Gaztelueta case ruling: professor expelled from Opus Dei

Monsignor García Magán: "We are not in pre conclave".

The Spanish Episcopal Conference launches the campaign "Marriage is +".

Banco Sabadell reinforces its support for religious institutions in several Spanish cities

What does the 2024 Torreciudad data show?

Msgr. Luis Argüello: the Church does not support "conversion therapies".

The Christ of La Laguna and constitutional caesaropapism

Number of new Spanish seminarians grows by 35% in one year

Bishop Enrique Benavent: "In many localities of Valencia there is still a long task of reconstruction ahead".

The data speak for themselves: the enormous contribution of the Church in Spain

An analysis of the data from the Income Tax campaign in Spain

Seville promotes "the evangelizing power of popular piety".

Spanish bishops unequivocally condemn "intergenerational healing".

The role of Ibáñez Martín and Albareda in the founding of CSIC

Spanish bishops conclude their 126th Plenary Assembly

Argüello: "The vocation most in crisis in Spain is marriage".

Bishop Argüello: "Neither the State nor the market can save us".

Cardinal Czerny in Valencia, as the Church redoubles its efforts

95.5 % of public aid to pregnant women in Spain is in Madrid

Torreciudad contributes 97 million euros per year to Huesca and Aragon

Spain joins international REDWEEK for persecuted Christians

Vicenta Rodríguez: "The schools of Valencia are already on our feet".

Jesús Rodríguez Torrente: "Abuses are in our social fabric".

Valencia: a church stained with mud

Diocesan Church Day campaign focuses on vocations

Experts advise minors to think critically about series and movies

Banco Sabadell awards more than 200 thousand euros to solidarity initiatives

Gonzalo Echanove: "Missionary is the one who lets himself be loved by Christ".

Bishop Prieto: "We must take care of the Way of St. James, it is a way of hope".

Vatican appoints Pontifical Commissioner Plenipotentiary for Torreciudad

The Spanish Episcopal Conference prepares a major vocations congress

Xavier Gómez: "People in mobility are the same Christ on the way".

Torreciudad celebrates Family Day in spite of the rain

Young people are the protagonists of the next Catholics and Public Life Congress

Various denominations create the Interfaith Dialogue Table of Spain

Spanish Bishops urge care for Creation

Marta Pedrajas: "The Pope's visit to Santiago would be very significant".

Spanish bishops finalize plan for comprehensive reparations to abuse victims

Spanish Bishops encourage integration of migrant minors

Caritas supports 2.5 million people and social exclusion is on the rise

The Archbishop of Burgos decrees excommunication for 10 nuns from Belorado

Syria and Ukraine, the countries most assisted by ACN in 2023

Valeska Ferrer: "The call in the face of abuse is to break the silence".

Spain is the birthplace of the majority of missionaries

35 points to learn about the Cuatrecasas-Martínez case

Attempt against honor, basis of the civil lawsuit against Bishop Satué

Spanish bishops say "no" to government plan for reparations for abuse victims

Campaign kicks off in Spain XtantosNothing is more convincing than the truth".