The World

The German Bishops' Conference insists on its "Synodal Committee".

Caritas Jerusalem Secretary: "aid to Gaza is a drop in the ocean".

Archbishop Arbach: "There is fear and uncertainty among Christians in Syria".

Nigerian priest killed, while two are still missing

At the gates of the first saint of Venezuela, the physician José Gregorio Hernández

Gaztelueta case ruling: professor expelled from Opus Dei

Light and shadows on Christianity in the U.S., according to Pew Research

Monsignor García Magán: "We are not in pre conclave".

The migration crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Cardinal Chomali: "Jesus Christ lets himself be seen where no one wants to go".

Ecuadorian catechists meet to renew the transmission of the faith

Jean Boniface, Burkina Faso priest, denounces pressure from jihadism

Salesians to elect new Rector Major at their General Chapter

Bishop Barron wants to found an evangelization-oriented congregation

The Spanish Episcopal Conference launches the campaign "Marriage is +".

U.S. Sunday Mass attendance returns to pre-pandemic levels

Opus Dei responds to the accusations of the docuseries "Heroic Minute".

Mali, Congo and Nigeria: the current situation of the Church in Africa

Christianity and modernity in the thought of St. Josemaria

Banco Sabadell reinforces its support for religious institutions in several Spanish cities

U.S. bishops reject Trump's immigration measures

Historic ordinations in Kazakhstan

March for Life in Washington: pro-baby, pro-family vision

Week for Christian Unity: an international congress reassesses the events of 1054

What does the 2024 Torreciudad data show?

Msgr. Luis Argüello: the Church does not support "conversion therapies".

Thousands of faithful congregate in Yumbel to honor Saint Sebastian

Bishop Alvarez gives first interview since exile as Nicaragua cancels another Catholic group

The fruits of the Church in Africa: vocations, peace and family

Reports of clerical abuse decline in the United States

More for you? Proposals of the Social Democratic Party of Germany

Christianophobia: data show rising trend

"Synod is not over" says Canadian Bishop Alain Faubert

Opus Dei responds to criticism of Gareth Gore book

Los Angeles fires. The Church brings hope and charity in the midst of desolation.

Luis de Lezama, a priest committed to social justice, dies

Sexual abuse: what the UK can learn from the Vatican

"The persecution of Christians has raised profound questions even in environments outside the faith."

Memory and forgiveness: a conference on how to rebuild relationships

Paula Aguiló: "In Ukraine they face Christmas in a surprisingly hopeful way".

Religious practice in Auschwitz: the faith the gas chambers could not kill

13 missionaries killed in 2024, according to Vatican report

The Pass of the Traveling Child: A Cuenca tradition that renews faith

Álvaro Núñez Iglesias: "The only thing that explains the Truce of 1914 in the Great War is Christmas".

Eduard Profittlich SJ. The bishop who shared the fate of his people, on his way to the altars.

The Christ of La Laguna and constitutional caesaropapism

Number of new Spanish seminarians grows by 35% in one year

Bishop Enrique Benavent: "In many localities of Valencia there is still a long task of reconstruction ahead".