The Vatican

"To pray is not to escape the difficulties of life."

Twenty-five years at the service of communication in the Church

Human rights depend on universal values

Women who make Church

"The Holy Spirit pushes us to enter the desert."

"Receiving God, bearing witness and caring for those who suffer."

Lent, a journey back home

Vatican updates its penal system to meet today's needs

"God comes in contact with our wounded life to heal it."

"He who prays is like a lover, he carries in his heart the beloved person".

The valuable testimony of the elderly

Pope to diplomats: "Education is the antidote to individualistic culture".

"Caring for the sick is not an 'optional activity' for the Church."

Luis Marín and Nathalie Becquart, new undersecretaries of the Synod of Bishops

Massimiliano Padula: "Journalism must reflect the truth".

Pope's Audience: "Mass is not simply listened to; it is celebrated and lived".

Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus to be included in the General Roman Calendar

Eight years after a historic resignation

Pope institutes the first World Day of the Elderly

Message for World Mission Day

Francis to Italian catechists: "Renew the spirit of proclamation".

The Holy See to the Davos Forum: "We must defend the dignity of the human person".

Marriage annulment proceedings and the good of the family

The village experience that comes from sport

Pope Francis expands women's service in the liturgy

General Audience: Praise God always, in good times and in bad.

World Day of Peace: Prophets and witnesses of the "culture of care".

The Pope explains the prayer of thanksgiving

A crucial law for the reform of the Curia arrives: financial management

The crisis is movement and opens to the newness of the Spirit in the Church.

Pope Francis: "Look with the eyes and heart of God".

A unique nativity scene at the Vatican

Lectorate and Acolyte for men and women

Responsibility for Christian unity

The bishop and Christian unity

New ecumenical vademecum: the bishop as protagonist

The Pope at the Audience: "I assure you of my prayers for Nigeria".

Paul R. Gallagher: "Europe needs a mechanism to distribute the reception of migrants".

A change of mentality

Hans Zollner: "The Holy See is committed to the safety of minors".

"Prayer to God and solidarity with the poor are inseparable."

McCarrick Report: "moved by the truth to avoid the mistakes of the past".

The historical background of the McCarrick case

The Secretary of State will no longer manage financial and real estate assets.

Vatican clarifies Pope's remarks on same-sex unions

Pope relaunches Global Education Pact

Re-reading Fratelli Tutti: complexity, action and dreams

"I dream of a Europe where the person is a value in itself."