The Vatican

Synodal process enters continental phase

Pope Francis: "God excludes no one, he wants everyone to be at his banquet".

Bishop of Karaganda (Kazakhstan) explains Pope's upcoming trip

What is the future of ecumenical diplomacy?

Cardinal Parolin explains how to unite societies in the face of polarization

"God works through non-programmable events, 'that' by chance this has happened to me," says Pope Francis.

Assisi will host the participants of "Economy of Francis".

The Order of Malta renews itself: new Constitutional Charter is promulgated

After 728 years, a Pope opens the holy door of the Celestinian Perdonanza

Pope Francis: "With his smile, Pope Luciani succeeded in transmitting the goodness of the Lord".

Pope's video against death penalty

What was discussed at the Consistory of Cardinals

Pope Francis begins catechesis on discernment

Consistory of Cardinals on "Praedicate Evangelium" concludes

Pope Francis and lay ministries

What will be discussed at the Consistory of Cardinals on August 29-30?

What's New in Vatican Finance. A guide to understanding the changes

Pope Francis: "Our destiny is heaven".

What is the status of the College of Cardinals?

Pope speaks for the first time about Nicaragua

What is a consistory of cardinals?

Pope Francis: "Old age must bear witness to children that they are a blessing".

Pope Francis: "The Gospel challenges us to come out of individualism".

Pope Francis: "The pretension of stopping time is not only impossible, it is delirious".

Pope visited drug addicts in secret

Pope's monthly video: for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs

Pope Francis and the message of forgiveness at Celestine V's tomb

Pope Francis takes stock of Canada trip

Pope Francis to travel to Kazakhstan

Francis' feminism, key to reading his trip to Canada

The Inuk face of Jesus Christ. Third stage, Nunavut

The best images of the Pope's trip to Canada

Social doctrine, St. Anne and St. François de Laval: Second stage of the papal journey

Vatican finances: how they work and what are their organs?

"Christ is indigenous": memory and reconciliation on Pope's trip to Canada

Gestures of Pope Francis in Canada

Pope blesses Lake Santa Ana

Considerations on the motu proprio "Ad charisma tuendum" on Opus Dei

Charism and hierarchy in Opus Dei, two dimensions in the same reality. The Relationship between the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Church

Vittorio ScelzoElderly people ask not to be left alone".

July 24: Pope Francis dedicates a day to grandparents and senior citizens

"Ad charisma tuendum" concretizes the figure of the Prelature of Opus Dei

To guarantee religious freedom in all its manifestations and everywhere.

Holy See warns the German Synodal Way

Message of Pope Francis for the Second World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly

Catholics and Shiites facing the future, days of dialogue in Rome

Pope at the Angelus: "Let us take advantage of the vacations to stop and listen to Jesus".

Three first women members of the Dicastery for Bishops