
Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881): In Search of God and Beauty

The Virgin Mary, Our Lady, Mother of God and Mother of the Church

The campus homily. Context and some features

Four major sanctuaries in 21st century Poland

Sowing hope: "A people joyful in suffering".

The child martyrs of Tlaxcala, an example of evangelization

100 years after the Russian Revolution: from the Bolshevik coup d'état to Lenin's mummy

Journey to Narnia, an educational experience

Upcoming beatification of 60 martyrs of the Vincentian Family

Life in the Woods: 200 Years of Henry D. Thoreau (1817-1868)

The Holy Father's trip to Colombia

How to help quit pornography

Caring for the elderly, a fundamental task of the Church

Kazakhstan, Frontier Church. Religious harmony in the face of radicalism

Teaching Religion in the 21st century, a changing art form
The "jihadists" and extermination. The Koran reduced to ideology

Pope Francis' profound journey

The Catholic Charismatic Movement celebrates its 50th anniversary, a time of maturity

Bishop García Ibáñez: "The Cuban people are eager to know God better".

A new generation is committed to the most needy in Venezuela

Africa Madrid. The adventure of teaching

María Zambrano (1904-1991) today

Secularist sectors are trying to deprive the Church of the ownership of its properties

Pope declares Jacinta and Francisco children saints, "an example for us".

Corpus Christi in Patzún, a focus of Eucharistic piety

Contemplation in times of WhatsApp

Immaculate Heart of Mary. The message of Fatima is alive

Journalists and priests, Mexico's two most dangerous professions

Our Lady's message, one hundred years later

Feminist and pro-life groups agree in criticizing "surrogacy".

How to reach the necessary maturity to get married

The apparitions of Fatima and the faith of the little shepherds, hope for the world

Pope strengthens Christian Egypt. Some challenges for African Catholics

I, formerly a Lutheran and now a Catholic
Card. Baldisseri: "The Church wants to help young people understand values".

Rilke and the young poet

A youth ministry for the 21st century

Maria Franco. Valuing what really matters

The Annunciation in Art up to the Middle Ages

V Centenary. The true legend of the Caballero de Gracia.

Bishop Jorge Carlos Patrón Wong: "Priestly formation, above all, is the formation of the heart of a disciple of Jesus".

For Many - For All: Elements for a Catechesis

A wall against reality

Why get married? Christian marriage in the 21st century

Bishop Ocáriz: "Contact with poverty, with pain, helps to relativize problems".

Juan González de la Higuera. To be born again

Manos Unidas campaign: the problem of hunger, a scandalous paradox

Cinema: "Loving", love in marriage