
The Christian legacy of Juan Mari Araluce

Catholic scientists: Domingo de Soto, theologian and physicist

Eugenio Corti, the war against communism and "The Red Horse".

95.5 % of public aid to pregnant women in Spain is in Madrid

Torreciudad contributes 97 million euros per year to Huesca and Aragon

Spain joins international REDWEEK for persecuted Christians

"Ad Iesum per Mariam", the Pope's advice at the Audience.

Paul Graas: "Individualism is a great challenge for the Church in the Netherlands".

The Board of Social Action of the CARF Foundation organizes the 28th edition of the charity flea market

St. Peter's Basilica has a "digital twin".

Vicenta Rodríguez: "The schools of Valencia are already on our feet".

Jonathan Roumie, James Mallon and Nicky Gumbel will talk about sharing Christ in today's culture.

Pope visits Jesuit university

Experts search for common roots of Jews and Christians

Giovanni Ziberna: "Our Lady's intercession is fundamental in the fight against the devil".

Jesús Rodríguez Torrente: "Abuses are in our social fabric".

U.S. bishops congratulate President-elect Donald Trump

The life of Eugenio Corti, author of "The Red Horse" (I)

The Church collaborates with volunteers in Valencia

Pope prays for Valencia disaster victims

Pope prays for Valencia to its Patron Saint

Paco, volunteer in Valencia: "What is happening has no comparison when you experience it firsthand".

The synod in the tradition of the Church


Valencia: a church stained with mud

Power games in the Church in Spain

Weekend of saints, deceased, prayer for Valencia, and love of God

Celibacy: friendship or marriage with Christ?

German church tax

Bringing meaning back into the animal debate

Oscar Wilde. Reading "De Profundis" 125 years later

Confirmation to be "beginning, growth" and not "goodbye", Pope urges

Albania, the cultural richness of a small country

"The Big Warning" and "Masters of the Air", this month's recommendations.

"Benedict XVI, in Honor of the Truth," Emmy Award in New York.

'Tutela Minorum' urges "path of healing" from abuses

Vatican unveils Luce, the Jubilee mascot

The keys to the encyclical "Dilexit Nos".

Francis hopes that "the Synod will encourage us to be the Church like Bartimaeus".

Pope launches Synodal Document as "guide for local Churches".

Fabrice Hadjadj: "Christianity is not only interested in victims, but also in sinners".

Fabrice Hadjadj: "It may be that abusers communicate real graces".

Hosffman Ospino: "The presence of Hispanics gives life to the Church".

Diocesan Church Day campaign focuses on vocations

"Dilexit nos", returning to Jesus Christ in the face of spiritualities without a personal relationship with God.

Cardinals Ambongo and Radcliffe to lead the last phase of the Synod

Anecdotes with the flavor of parables

The second season of "Aprender Roma" has begun.