
Thomas PowersGod knows what he created each person for".

María Rita Martín: "Wherever the Teresian Association is, it has a common charism and its own characteristics".

The Archdiocese of Toledo celebrates a year for priests

"10 Minutes with Jesus" will help in the formation of priests through the CARF Foundation.

Sister Maristela. A dedication to the poorest for the love of Jesus the Eucharist.

Asitha Sriyantha: "Training is key to address the challenges of our mission".

Carter Griffin: "Celibacy is life-giving"

Fray Manuelfrom Jerusalem: "It is moving to see Christians convinced that peace is possible".

The day-to-day life of the rector of St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City

John Paul Ebuka Oraefo: "The faith of the majority of Christians in Nigeria is still alive".

Sister Maria RubyWe don't look at the poor with the respect we should".

Do late vocations really exist?

A yes at all risks, a young married couple's adventure

Melwin Thurackal Jaison: "India still needs priests and religious willing to sacrifice".

Eliana and Paolo, founders of Via PacisWe told the Lord to show himself and he didn't wait".

Eduardo Ngalelo Kalei: "The formation in Rome prepares me to face the challenges of the Church in my country, Angola".

The Ulma family: a normal life, the basis of their extraordinary dedication

Lay, celibate, of Opus Dei: "What makes you most happy is that the whole Church is salt and light for society".

The "Sisters of Life" welcome 7 more sisters

Nearly 2,000 young people were able to study thanks to the CARF Foundation in 2022

J. Marrodán: "We are called more than ever to seek common ground."

Layman, married, belongs to Opus Dei: "It reminds me that I can do something great with my life".

A joyful fruit: the profession in New York of the girl who baptized in Tanzania

César D. Villalobos: "The life of the Venezuelan priest has a capital "s" for sacrifice".

Antonia TestaVocation is a gaze full of love that attracts another gaze".

David H. Chipeta: "My father used to say that to be a priest I had to be a worker".

Bishop CepedaVocation is a challenge for families".

Mon Carmelo: "In the Philippines there are neighborhoods where they only receive Communion once a month".

P. Matteo Curina: "One does not abandon one's former life for no reason: one leaves everything to follow the Lord."

Identity and role of the priest in the Church

Carlos ChiclanaA problematic sexual behavior is something more complex than a struggle for the virtue of chastity".

Priestly vocation. "The call is as current today as it was in the first centuries."

Jean-Luc MoensI don't want to go to heaven without my wife".

Carlos Chiclana: "Priests must take care of themselves in order to take care of others".

Cardinal Lazzaro You: "For there to be good shepherds, all means must be provided".

Pedro de Andrés: "Without the witness of faith of my community, the question of vocation would not have appeared in me".

P. Marwan Dadas: "Christians in the Holy Land are a minority in number, not in quality".

Aurora, a Chilean nun in Scotland: "We are there and it is God who acts".

Consecrated Laity: with Christ, through Christ, for Christ

Cecil from Kenya: working for his community

The Order of the Visitation of St. Mary: the spirit of St. Francis de Sales today

"All for you", the testimony of a young seminarian

Bishop Arjan Dodaj: Testimony of the bishop who came from the Iron Curtain

Maciej: "Priestly fraternity is fundamental".

Lungelo: "In my country there are many conversions".

"Maybe God is calling me to be a missionary priest."

Isidoro Zorzano, at the School of Engineers of Madrid

Miguel BrugarolasIn the Gospel we do not find any invitation to shut oneself in".