
Engagement, a time to work on love

My journey from Sufism to Christianity

Thousands of voices unite to fan the flame of vocations in Spain

Marriage and "its" strength

Sisters of Life: "We have normalized evil".

Sebastian Muggeridge: "You don't give your vocation to yourself, God gives it to you"

What is a consecrated virgin?

What the bishops say about the vocation of young people

Initiative and freedom in one's own vocation

Emmanuel Enwenwen: "Many Nigerians are now missionaries all over the world".

Pamela Egas. Mother and digital apostle

"One more for Christmas", the CARF Foundation's campaign to support vocations.

Missionary marriage: "God has a plan of salvation for each person".

A lay missionary in the jungles of Amazonia

Marriage and a just life

Vinel Rosier: "The Church in Haiti sustains the hope of the people".

Nathalí. From music and journalism

The testimony of a missionary couple: "Mission and grace are a symbiosis".

Pilar, Montse, Litus... On how the Church is sustained by its own identity.

Román Pardo: "The layperson runs the risk of being clericalized".

Freedom in the marriage vocation and celibacy

Mariolina Ceriotti: "For a relationship to last you have to really love it".

Fabiola Inzunza: "Vocation is a call to be happy".

Every day of my life: marriage through the years.

Sister Milagros García, missionary in Cape Verde: "It is important that young people study and continue here".

Pelegrín Muñoz: from promoting Tajamar to living fully his priesthood

Eloy Gesto. From darkness to the "Light of the Word".

Meet the person who is going on pilgrimage on foot from Cantabria to Bethlehem

To accompany the bride and groom. Teaching and building love

The professional vocation in the teachings of St. Josemaría

Salvador Rodea, Superior General of the Teatinos: "I believe that we know our charism perfectly well and we want it to be assumed as it is".

Francisco Aparicio: "Faith made Luis Valls a social banker".

Juan Carlos Montenegro. From the Amazon jungle to the concrete jungle

Sister Idília Maria Carneiro: "I realized that it was with the sick that I felt happy".

Almudena, young supernumerary: "I try to be close to everyone and always put an extra 'good vibe'".

Vedastus Machibula: "I have in my heart the desire to serve God wherever it is needed".

St. Karbel, an example of asceticism for today's Church

Judita Velziene: "In Opus Dei I rediscovered my personal relationship with God".

Mathías Soiza: "The Church is in need, above all, of a spiritual renewal".

Martino Bonazzetti, missionary in Angola: "In their eyes you can see the joy of being Christians".

Joseph Dinh Quang Hoan: "In Vietnam there are many young people willing to serve the Church".

Natalio Paganelli: "In Sierra Leone, most of the priests are sons of Muslims".

Innocent Chaula: "Thanks to the Lord, we have many native vocations in Tanzania".

"Cultivating life as a vocation": Day of Native Vocations and Prayer

Daniela Saetta: "At the age of 17 I had no will to live".

Tomaž Mavrič, superior general of the Congregation of the Mission: "We want to return to our roots".

Francisco Eusébio Vinumo: "The Church in Africa carries a strong message of hope".

P. Lorenzo Snider: "When we share our existence we discover the beauty of the Gospel lived".