
The new blessed Dominican martyrs. Evangelical radicalism and fidelity.

Padre Pio, a synthesis of prayer and charity of a holy life

What is synodality?

José María CalderónOne of the great dangers of the Church in the 21st century is to lose the apostolic zeal".

New saints in Rome and IV centenary of the canonization of St. Isidore

Boring homilies? I care about others

Davide ProsperiGiussani's great teaching was to bring God back to life".

Tomás TrigoWithout the hope of Heaven, we would not take a step in life".

"We cannot enclose the Christian faith in the horizon of a single culture".

Saint Isidore the Farmer. 400 years of canonization and 850 years of devotion.

Boring homilies? I care about God

Vanna CerettaRead more : "The road to transparency is a long one, but we are already reaping the fruits".

Fray Abel de Jesús, the Carmelite who explains theology on Youtube

Aid to the Church in Need: 75 years at the side of communities threatened by their faith

Boring Homilies? Indiana Jones and the Lost Temple

Parish renewal. Full Masses, empty Masses

One year after the encyclical 'Fratelli tutti', what has changed?

Abigail Marsh: "Helping others is essential to experience true happiness".

"God wants to let himself be conditioned and provoked by prayers."

"To announce the Good News where there is pain, we must look at the person".

Loving this world passionately (II)

Loving "this" world passionately (I)

"The Church needs economic resources to achieve spiritual ones."

Walking with Ignatius of Loyola, the pilgrim of the interior life

"Roy, do you identify with the Christian faith or is it a whim?"

Stella Maris, voice of humanity for the people of the sea on the day of their patron saint

"The Bible is to be our main prayer book."

Parish renewal: IN - OUTWaiting for them to come?

Pathways to the Mystery of God: Anthropological Pathways

"Church and society do not speak the same language but they have to understand each other."

Paths to access the mystery of God: Cosmological Pathways

"Theology is the faith of the Church seeking to understand what it believes."

"The Church's work with people with disabilities is not new."

"It pays to get out of the comfort zone in religious education."

Paths to access the mystery of God: a well disposed mind and heart

Antonio Quintana: "Generosity is a virtue for everyone, rich and poor".

"The panorama that opens up is that of the clear and explicit proclamation of Jesus Christ."

Avenues of evangelization: Has science buried God?

Ways of evangelization: the light of God's Word
Boring homilies? At that time... let's make the most of it.

Jacques Philippe: "To pray is, above all, to welcome a presence".

The saints: living gospel

Parish Renewal. Don't be a fool

A priest with a dream to contribute to justice and peace in Togo
Boring homilies? The opportunity of the week

A parish in the "Nazareth style".

"In a Catholic parish in Sweden we find between 50 and 100 nationalities."

Bettina Alonso: "Generous people give until it hurts a little bit".