
The "duty" to evangelize

A dose of daily Mass is all we need

José Ángel Saiz Meneses: "The brotherhoods have more and more an evangelizing conscience".

St. Augustine or love conquers all

Popular piety as an opportunity for a new evangelization

St. Maximilian Kolbe

Make it official and become a true parishioner

The Curé of Ars, St. John Mary Vianney

St. Charbel: a light of hope for Lebanon in crisis

Mother Cabrini, the patron saint of immigrants

Marija and Austeja. To value the Tradition of the Church and to accept one another.

Ignacio Amorós: "God has something to give at every WYD".

World Youth Day in Lisbon: the feast of encounter

The Pontifical Mission Societies: Spreading the Gospel throughout the world

The Eucharist: "Highway to Heaven" by Carlo Acutis

Eucharistic Adoration in Germany since WYD 2005

Maria Gonzalez Dyne What is this Alpha?

Catalina Tekakwitha, the "lily of the Mohawks".

St. Camillus of Lelis

The Old Testament in the life of young people

Felix Varela and the Irish

Oriol JaraIf God exists, everything changes radically".

St. Anthony of Padua

'Jesus', an original book for family catechesis

Towards full inclusion of persons with disabilities

St. Boniface, Apostle of the Germans

Breaking in the habit, a friar on the internet

San Juan Nepomuceno

Susan Longhurst:"Sycamore wants to empower the laity"

Father Damien

Cardinal Newman

Ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, instruments of peace

Brother Rafael

Lisa McArdleThe family prayer is an essential part of our faith".

The Feast of the Resurrection, an event for singers and families in Madrid

Grilex: "There are many artists with an incredible thirst for God's love".

Veronica SolisMy devotion to Our Lady has grown by accompanying her in the procession".

The Brotherhood of the School of Christ. A focus of faith and tradition in Guatemala

Chantal DelsolChristians have the opportunity to be better as a minority".

Mila GlodavaThe Church in the Philippines aspires to be of the poor".

Pilar RíoThe laity, men and women "of the world at the heart of the Church" : The laity, men and women "of the world at the heart of the Church".

Francisco VelezThe Church asks the confreres to be consistent with their faith".

Santiago PonsEvangelizing Parishes is an alarm clock".

Katie Ascough: “Ireland, for the most part, is a very anti-Catholic country”

Angel MirandaIn sports we discover traits of ecclesial service".

Sisters of Life"The pregnant woman who does not want to be a mother is already a mother".

Antonio NavarroThe young people have been creators of the II Interreligious Days of Cordoba".

Colleen Carroll CampbellFreedom begets freedom": "Freedom begets freedom".