
Exploring the growth of Catholic classical liberal arts education

Fernando Alberca: "Willpower is a valuable gift to children".

Pontifical Urbaniana University inaugurates 397th academic year

Educating virtues inspired by Tolkien

The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross celebrates its 40th anniversary

Carmen Fuente: "We believe in an education centered on the search for truth".

Villanueva University students learning through service to others

"Christ and eternal life: the beauty of our faith."

Philip Joseph Gilotaux. From the field to the books

Youth, care and evangelization, among the lines of study at Holy Cross University

Braval, 25 years sowing social cohesion in El Raval of Barcelona

Pontifical University of the Holy Cross has a new rector

Mark Lewis: "My goal is to leave the university better than I found it."

Klinema, a positive way to watch movies

Educating for Forgiveness with Tolkien and C.S. Lewis

Francisco de Vitoria University launches an Institute of Forgiveness

Friendship in the writings of Tolkien and C. S. Lewis

Congress of education of the Church in Spain. Point of "departure and arrival".

Vicente del Bosque: "Soccer is a great tool to educate."

With Tolkien, young people trained for the mission.

Villanueva University organizes a solidarity concert

Carlos Esteban: "The Church's educational work deserves to be shared with society."

The parents' educational project

Launch of a master's degree on John Paul II

Fermín Labarga: "What we do at ISCR has a real impact on the life of the Church."

Educating children, right and duty of parents

Alfonso AguilóWe must transform polarization into collaboration".

Alfonso Carrasco: "It is important to be aware of the educational task carried out by the Church."

Artificial Intelligence, advantage or danger in the educational field?

Catholic school personnel participate in Artificial Intelligence conference

Alejandro Villena: "Mobile phones are the main entry point for pornography".

José M. Pardo: "We cannot demand from young people a perfection that does not correspond to their age".

Florence OlooOnly Africans can provide effective solutions to their own problems".

James ArthurEducation is built on the idea of the market".

Teaching the new subject of fraternity

Christmas, sweet (and sober) Christmas

The relationship between the Church and the State in Panama in the field of education

UNISERVITATE: Symposium in Rome with educators from all over the world

José M. BarrioOpening spaces for dialogue, a university urgency".

How to acquire new professional profiles

Religion in public school? Yes, thank you!

Education behind the education laws

Fermín LabargaAnachronism is lethal for judging history".

Teaching the virtue of strength from childhood: a challenge in the education of the XXI century.

Does it make sense to study theology today?

Educating the virtue of fortitude from childhood: a challenge in 21st century education.

What are Roman numerals for?

The cornerstone of education