Integral ecology

Yes to Life' March on Sunday in Madrid

Do you live according to your values or are you dominated by immediate pleasure?

A. Alderliesten: "We want to avoid the marginalization of man in the decision on life and abortion".

Infertility as a blessing: a divine mystery

Report "Meter 2024": alarming increase in online pedophile material

Bernácer: "If you read that neuroscience proves that God does not exist, laugh and move on to other news".

Olivia Maurel: "Surrogacy is a new form of human trafficking".

Altruism and culture of care: a response to the anthropological crisis.

Euthanasia cases grow by more than 10 % in the Netherlands, Canada and Spain

Silvia Bulla: "Enrique Shaw left a legacy of living the Social Doctrine of the Church".

Raúl Flores: "The greatest risk of social exclusion are young people and families".

Responsible austerity and green conversion

Responsible investment and positive returns, investing in gold

Rome Bio-Medical Campus: social inclusion and active seniors

Marta Rodríguez: "Women have to help the Church to understand itself".

The III Caravan for Integral Ecology proposes divestment in mining

Everything they don't want you to know about the Catholic Church

A Christian approach to business

The cry of the planet on the big screen

Fernando Bonete: "The machine is a mirror that allows us to discover the essence of the human being".

Pablo Requena: "The Church has not changed its position on euthanasia".

Nicholas Spencer: "Both science and religion contribute to progress".

Emmanuel Lokossou: "Old age is a source of wisdom and inspiration".

Cristian Mendoza: "Integral wealth is not only about giving money".

Medical and moral issues on chemical abortion.

Miguel Ángel Martínez: "Through science it is easy to reach God".

Artificial Intelligence, master of humanity

Anne Schaub: "Every embryo naturally attaches itself to the mother who carries it".

The roots of the divorce between modern science and Christian religion

Jaume Alemany: "It is encouraging to see how some prisoners change their lives".

Nicole Ndongala: "Society must be sensitized to the importance of welcoming migrants".

Arizmendiarrieta Foundation, the reasons for more humane companies

Palliative care "a genuine form of compassion," Pope says

Patricia Díez: "Forgiveness germinates in the family".

Laura Iglesias. Convinced of the complementarity between faith and science.

Argüello defends life in the face of the European Parliament's abortion support

"Not everything goes" in scientific research

The Cistercian Order, an almost millenary foundation

Susan Kinyua, Harambee Award: positive female empowerment

Blanca Catalán de Ocón y Gayolá, a pioneering botanist

Forms of collaboration in the company, in the wake of José María Arizmendiarrieta

Aquilino PolainoThe treatment of the patient changes if you see Jesus Christ in him".

Manuel SerranoPalliative care is a manifestation of humanity".

Individual choice has become superior to life.

Martin FoleyAbout 50 million people are enslaved today".

Pamela Godoy: Passion for promoting and defending life

Mercedes Vallenilla: "As Christians, we need to understand our crises from faith."

María Jesús Pérez: "Fair Trade is based on a spirituality of life that, together with the Creator, cares for and generates life with dignity".