
St. Patrick, from shepherd of sheep to shepherd of souls

The last of the seven Sundays of St. Joseph has arrived

St. Louise de Marillac, co-foundress of the Daughters of Charity

The conversion of Wikipedia's co-founder

St. Matilda, Queen, and Blessed Eva of Liège, promoter of Corpus Christi

The strength of Christian intellectuals in Chile

Saints Rodrigo and Salomon, martyrs of Cordoba under Islam

Saint Don Orione, Pope Innocent I, Joseph Zhang, Blessed Angela Salawa

Saints Simplicius, Macarius of Jerusalem, John Ogilvie and Elijah of Succour

St. John of God, love and care of the sick

Saints Perpetua and Felicidad, young mother martyrs

Saints Julian and Olegarius, bishops of Toledo, Barcelona and Tarragona, Spain

Saint Adrian of Caesarea, martyr, and Saint John Joseph of the Cross, Franciscan

Alex Jones: "We are looking for new ways to help people to pray".

St. Casimir, patron saint of Poland and Lithuania, praying and celibate prince

Ricardo Calleja: "It is necessary to rub shoulders with people from other fields".

Saints Cunegunda of Luxembourg and Catherine Drexel, and martyrs of Ethiopia

Blessed Trojanowski (Auschwitz), and martyrs in Japan, China and Alexandria

St. Gabriel de la Dolorosa and St. Anne Line, martyred for welcoming priests

Rosary of blessings for the family

St. Alexander, patriarch and promoter of Nicaea, and St. Paula Montal, patriarch of Nicaea.

Why the Church doesn't offer gluten-free bread, and a solution for celiacs

St. Caesarius of Nazianzus, physician and brother of St. Gregory Nazianzen

"Contigo": a weekend for brides and grooms to discover what they are called to do

St. Modestus of Trier, bishop, encouragement for the faithful

Why does the Church canonize a teenager?

The reliability of the New Testament in comparison with other ancient texts

What is Catholic Social Teaching? Seven topics to get to know it

The Chair of St. Peter, a sign of unity

The little shepherds of Fatima, Francisco and Jacinta, "example of holiness".

Blessed Álvaro de Córdoba, founder of the Way of the Cross, patron saint of brotherhoods

Blessed Fra Angelico, the Dominican who preached with the brush

From merchants of Florence to saintly Servants of Mary

St. Onesimus, disciple of St. Paul, and St. Claude of Colombière

Poor Sisters: "We want to share our contemplative life".

Saints Cyril and Methodius, co-patron saints of Europe, and St. Valentine, martyr

Giavani Cairo, The Chosen actor, tells how the series rekindled his faith

The martyrs of Abitinia and St. Eulalia of Barcelona, witnesses to the faith

The Peruvian bishop who multiplied by 4 the number of priests in his diocese in 13 years

Our Lady of Lourdes, Health of the Sick

Saint of the day. St. Josephine Bakhita, patron saint of victims of trafficking.

Saint of the day. Blessed Pius IX, Pope, and St. Richard of Wessex, layman.

Saint of the day. St. Paul Miki and companions martyred in Japan.

Cardinal Lazzaro You and Prelate Ocáriz, on the centenary of St. Josemaría's ordination

Saint of the day. St. Agatha, virgin and martyr of Catania.

Saint of the day. Saint Oscar, apostle of Scandinavia.

Bishop Martinelli speaks of Dubai "miracle" and wants to be in Yemen

Saint of the day. Saint Brigid of Kildare, abbess and co-patroness of Ireland.