The Vatican

Pope calls for "peace to reign" in Israel, Palestine and Ukraine

The 21st Century Martyrs Commission, an ecumenical recognition of the dedication of life

"Trust liberates, fear paralyzes," Pope says

Mensuram Bonammeasures consistent with the faith for Catholic investors

U.S. Hispanic priests meet with the Pope

Freemasonry is incompatible with the Catholic Church, reminds the Vatican

"Humanity awaits a word of joyful hope," Francis encourages

The Magisterium of Albino Luciani (Blessed John Paul I) through his library

Pope encourages "apostolate" of smiles

"The interior life is not improvised," the Pope reminds us.

The Pope: Madeleine Delbrêl, witness of faith in the suburbs of Paris

Monika Klimentová: "Everything took place in a climate of respect and charity".

Francis on the war in the Holy Land: "In the name of God, enough".

Pope presides at Mass for Benedict XVI and deceased cardinals and bishops in 2023

Pope reforms Pontifical Theological Academy

"Saints are not unreachable heroes," Francis encourages

The Pope promotes with a motu proprio a renewed theology

Holy Father asks to pray in November for the Pope, "whoever he may be".

Pope calls on Church to "worship" and "serve"

The first session of the Synod Assembly concludes. "A joy that could be touched".

Pope consecrates the life of all and the Church to the Queen of Peace

The Letter to the People of God: "The Church absolutely needs to listen to everyone".

Enrique Alarcón: "The Church is called to a profound conversion".

Francis calls to "be instruments of unity and peace", and "overcome hatred".

Pope talks with Biden on the war in the Holy Land

Pope urges "stop the war!" and not to separate faith and daily life

The Synod comes to an end: an experience to be incorporated into ecclesial life

Roberto Regoli: "In the new Vatican documentation, a worldwide network of support for Jews is discernible."

Francis launches more prayer and fasting for peace, looks to Charles de Foucauld

Trust, the key to the apostolic exhortation on St. Therese

Pius XII and the Nazi persecution of the Jews

Pope calls for fair distribution of foodstuffs

Holy Land, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and "yes" to God, messages of the Pope

Pope's plea for peace and dialogue in the Middle East and Sudan

Pius X returns to Veneto 120 years after his election as Pope

"Let attacks and weapons stop in Israel and Palestine!", Pope prays

Card. Ouellet recalls urgency of rediscovering vocations for a missionary Church

Synod and communication. Information fasting and priority of listening

The Pope before the synod: "It is not an ideological battle".

Laudate Deum. Pope warns of danger of man "who pretends to take the place of God".

Francis urges a "Church open to all" at the start of the Synod

Meekness and humility in the synodal journey

This is how the College of Cardinals looks like

Pope asks Catholics to pray for Synod

Pope announces Apostolic Exhortation on St. Therese of the Child Jesus

Francis prays for "silence made prayer" at presynodal ecumenical vigil

"Creative fidelity", Pope Francis' request to the new cardinals.

Artificial Intelligence, the focus of Social Communications