The Vatican

Celebrating Holy Week 2024 with Pope Francis

Stern rebuke of the Pope to envy and vanity

What is the role of pontifical diplomacy in the Holy Land?

New martyrs star in Pope's prayer intention

"Let us not take our eyes off Jesus" Francis asks at Angelus

Responsibility, training and prevention to fight against abuse

Olivia Maurel, the voice against surrogacy

At the beginning of his spiritual exercises, the Pope asks for inner silence

"Do not abandon me", slogan for the World Day of the Elderly.

The University of the Holy Cross and Tutela Minorum sign an agreement

Pope makes his spiritual exercises for 2024

Ash Wednesday: Pope encourages overcoming laziness and prayer

Book recounts relationship between Pope Francis and Benedict XVI

Pope reminds us to exercise creativity in a responsible manner

"Love cannot be reduced to selfies or text messages," pope says

World Week Against Trafficking in Persons concludes in Rome

Pope's encouragement to fight sadness with Jesus and with our holiness

When the FBI spied on Bishop Sheen

Pope condemns rise in anti-Semitism

Jesus shows us the "face of the Father," Pope teaches

4 children from Gaza cared for at Bambino Gesú

What the Pope expects from Catholic universities

Lent is "time of conversion" and "of freedom", says Pope

Francis encourages forgiveness to overcome anger

Pope stresses the work of palliative care

Truth, charity, courage: the Pope's recommendations to the Catholic media

The Jubilee 2025 "Kit".

"With the devil do not dialogue!" reminds Pope at Angelus

"Let us pray for communion," Pope asks Eastern Churches

Praying for unity, the main task of our journey

"Without prayer you can't be a judge," Pope says

What does the future hold for the Vatican judicial system?

Artificial Intelligence, key to freedom in communication

Greed does not affect only the wealthy, says Pope

Pope thanks journalists for their work as "traveling companions

The Holy See launches a public platform for job applications

Pope launches Year of Prayer for the Jubilee of 2025

The Word of God arouses the call of Jesus

The Church celebrates Word of God Sunday

True love respects others and seeks their happiness, Pope teaches

New rules for public contracts and extraordinary expenses of Vatican dicasteries

St. Peter's baldachin to be restored

Pope invites us to remember the first encounter with Jesus

St. Peter's Basilica undergoes the restoration of the baldachin

Will you get the press release on Fiducia supplicans to appease the critics?

Pope warns against personal and social gluttony

Pope Francis says no to surrogacy

Padre Pio" actor receives Confirmation