The Vatican

Interreligious and ecumenical dialogue, a weapon to defuse any conflict

Images of the Pope in Bahrain

World Day of the Poor: "There is no rhetoric in the face of the poor".

Pope in Bahrain: "It is not enough to say that religion is peaceful".

The Pope in Bahrain. Message of dialogue and coexistence in a world of wars.

Pope's video for suffering children

On All Souls' Day, Pope encourages faithful to dream of heaven

Pope Francis: "I ask you for the company of prayer".

"Zacchaeus teaches us that all is never lost."

A Venetian nativity scene and an Abruzzo fir tree for the Vatican

"Sadness is an obstacle with which the tempter wants to discourage us," Pope says

The Pope registers live at WYD

Rediscovering the figure of St. Peter

The Holy See and China to renew agreement on the appointment of bishops

"God's style is discreet, does not impose itself," says Pope Francis

"In viaggio". A documentary on the Pope's travels is released.

Synod splits: new General Assembly also in 2024

Pope meets with Communion and Liberation members

"Prayer is the medicine of faith," Pope Francis says

Charity diplomacy

"The Mystery Man. The Shroud of Turin exhibition

"Desire is not the desire of the moment," Pope Francis says

The Communion and Liberation movement in audience with the Pope

Relive the ardor of the time of the Council, sixty years after the event

Mass for the Anniversary of Vatican Council II

Pope Francis, latest appeal for Ukraine

The Challenge of Climate Change: The Holy See in the Paris Agreement

Inclusive growth to eradicate poverty

Pope points out devil's strategies for tempting people

"The Letter": Laudato Si' documentary film to be released

Sport, a protagonist in a new world

Vatican City State, Past and Present

The Synod is not a survey, nor a parliament, but it is about prayer.

Pope harshly condemns situation in Ukraine: "Certain actions can never, ever be justified!"

20 years of Harambee

Refugees are not a danger to our identity

Pope Francis confirms trip to Bahrain

Pope gives hints for prayer life

"A great symphony of prayer" to prepare for the Jubilee of 2025

Can Belgian bishops bless same-sex unions?

Myanmar, Cameroon, Ukraine and migrants; Pope Francis from Matera focuses on those who are suffering

Pope Francis in Assisi: for an economy at the service of the person

Pope Francis takes stock of his trip to Kazakhstan

The life of St. Peter in a mapping on the Vatican façade

Formation course for new bishops to transmit the "joy of the Gospel".

No one is a stranger in the Church: no one is a stranger in this world instead.

Images of Pope Francis in Kazakhstan

"True wealth is sharing," Pope Francis comments in an audience with businessmen.