The Vatican

Cardinal Zuppi travels to Washington on peace mission to Ukraine and Russia

Discover the Sistine Chapel

WYD will be a "win-win world cup," says Pope Francis

The future of Catholic universities

New cardinals in the Church

The Pope's modus vivendi

Pope Francis to create 21 new cardinals on Sept. 30

Names of participants in the October Synod Assembly published

Catholic schools, called upon to "make choir

Pope will be in Mongolia from September 1 to 4

Pope creates commission to search for 21st century martyrs

Pope Encourages Eucharistic Renaissance

The Eucharist is the focus of the Pope's video for the month of July

May the thought of St. Thomas reach everyone

Vatican finances, what do the balance sheets of the IOR and the St. Peter's Obligation say?

Pope: "We are all prophets", "let us not tire of praying for peace".

Bishop Victor Manuel Fernandez is the new Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.

St. Peter's obolus raised 107 million euros in 2022

Pope at St. Peter's encourages "to take the Lord Jesus everywhere".

Christian etiquette for digital disciples

Francis calls for "educational pact" as he exalts St. Mary MacKillop

Does the Pope have a vacation?

Cardinal Zuppi visits Moscow

Catholics can only fear wasting their lives, says Pope

The Vatican library, a treasure of more than 500 years of history

Eucharistic Congress, marveling at "the gift of the Lord".

"We need grandparents, let's not allow them to be discarded!"

"Tutela Minorum" consults on measures for the protection of minors.

Meeting of the Pope with artists

The relationship of the ecclesial movements to the Pope's mission

Sister Lucia, the visionary of Fatima, is now Venerable

Women and Synod

Dialogue for peace between Buddhists and Catholics

Instrumentum laboris" for the next Synod assembly published

Thierry Bonaventura: "The Synod has come to involve all the people of God".

The Pope praises Blaise Blaise Pascal with the Letter "Sublimitas et miseria hominis".

Francis expresses "heartfelt thanks" for the "human and spiritual closeness" at Gemelli

Pope Francis leaves Gemelli: gratitude to doctors and sorrow for Greece

Pope to be released from hospital on Friday, June 16

Francis to the UN Security Council: "we are going backwards in history".

Pope Francis' medical discharge closer

The poor evangelize us

SpeiSat: The Pope's words in space

"Notalone", an appointment at St. Peter's in favor of human fraternity

Francis calls from Gemelli "to a great spiritual and social alliance".

Armand Puig i Tàrrech, new president of AVEPRO

Pope recovers from "uncomplicated surgery".

Pope encourages to ask for the love and passion of St. Therese of Lisieux