The Vatican

21 new cardinals for the universal Church

Giorgio Napolitano. His relationship with Benedict XVI and Francis

The right not to emigrate, and communities to integrate, two of Francis' appeals

"Tutela Minorum" holds its plenary session: annual report and progress in local Churches

Pope prays in Marseille for those who died at sea

News about Pacem in Terris 60 years later

Pope to pray in Marseille for those who died at sea

Pope travels to Marseille to support inclusion of migrants

"Forgiveness is a fundamental condition for the Christian", Francis stresses

Hakuna, with Pope Francis

The Pope puts as "witness" the Venezuelan physician José Gregorio Hernández

Pope prays for Morocco earthquake victims

Pope's closeness to Morocco and applause for the beatified Ulma family

Prayer and dialogue on the synodal journey

Pope meets with Ukrainian bishops

7 keys to Pope Francis' trip to Mongolia

Pope leaves Mongolia at House of Mercy, looks to China

The Pope with the woman who met the Mother of Heaven

How to read the APSA 2022 budget

Francis defends the good and harmony of religions in Mongolia

Pope sets foot on Mongolian soil for the first time

Mother of Heaven of Mongolia to be blessed by the Pope

Christians want to encourage care for creation

Pope exalts Catherine Tekakwitha, first Native American saint

Pope focuses on those living on the margins of society

Carol Enhua receives the Dama de San Silvestre ribbon from the hands of the Pope

Jesus walks beside us, encourages Pope "happy" to travel to Mongolia

Two new rooms in the Vatican Museums

Pope praises Our Lady of Guadalupe, "model of evangelization".

The Vatican Astronomical Observatory

"Christ today repeats to us: Courage, do not be afraid!" says Pope

Opus Dei prelate responds to Pope's motu proprio on personal prelatures

"WYD is an encounter with the living Christ through the Church," Pope says

What has changed in personal prelatures?

Holy See modifies the legal framework for personal prelatures

An interactive park to promote faith during WYD

A representative of the Holy See in Vietnam, a prelude to a similar path with China?

Pope concludes "Mediterranean Meetings" in September

Pope Francis: "When you encounter Christ, life changes".

Castel Gandolfo, the summer residence of the Popes

Holy See and Germany continue dialogue on the Synodal Way

Pope Francis, a diplomacy with a view to China?

Council of Nicaea inspires full Christian unity

The Pope's stamps and coins

Intergenerational covenant, Africans, climate and peace on Pope's mind

Grandparents and seniors celebrated in Rome and around the world

The Film Library and the Vatican Radio

Cardinal Zuppi concludes Washington trip