The World

David Rolo: "In Vietnam, non-Christians know nothing about Christianity".

Kenny Ang: "Pope's trip symbolizes a moment of spiritual renewal for Indonesian Catholics".

Spanish Bishops urge care for Creation

99 % of U.S. dioceses celebrate some Mass in Spanish

Violence against Christians in Europe on the rise

CEPROME Latin America, a reference in abuse prevention

CARF Foundation helped 2,171 students in 2023

Solemnity of the Transfiguration: five centuries of devotion in El Salvador

The Olympic Games and the relevance of Catholics in contemporary culture

Marta Pedrajas: "The Pope's visit to Santiago would be very significant".

X National Eucharistic Congress concludes in the United States

The greatest love story: second day of the Xth Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis

Tenth National Eucharistic Congress opens with 50,000 people in Indianapolis

Joseph Bonnemain, Bishop of Chur: "My program is to find the hidden treasure in each person".

Indianapolis prepares for 10th National Eucharistic Congress

Religious representatives from around the world commit to promote the ethical development of AI

Five hundred thousand people flock to Marian pilgrimage in Levoča, Slovakia

Spanish bishops finalize plan for comprehensive reparations to abuse victims

Chilean Bishops' Conference warns against limiting conscientious objection to abortion

Spanish Bishops encourage integration of migrant minors

German "Synodal Council" must change its name

Caritas supports 2.5 million people and social exclusion is on the rise

The Archbishop of Burgos decrees excommunication for 10 nuns from Belorado

"Listen, teach, and send," the pastoral framework for youth ministry in the United States.

José María Gallardo: "The Church is the first to open its doors when there is a humanitarian emergency".

Syria and Ukraine, the countries most assisted by ACN in 2023

Valeska Ferrer: "The call in the face of abuse is to break the silence".

U.S. Bishops' Spring Plenary Concludes

Anja Hoffmann: "Discrimination against Christians in Europe has increased significantly".

Religions and politics in Morocco

Spain is the birthplace of the majority of missionaries

Morocco, the other side of Europe

A Catholic congress with less and less Catholic content

U.S. bishops express concern over new immigration policy

"Youth, Opus Dei's project for young people, launches new website

Enrico Feroci: "It was Our Lady of Divine Love who wanted the vow to be made before her image".

Rome commemorates that Mary saved the city from bombardment

Child abuse: Pope's hospital at the forefront of treatment and prevention

Church in the United States presents annual abuse report

Church in the United States presents synthesis document for Synod

The 1924 Synod of Shanghai: a historical analysis through the Propaganda Fide Archives.

A trip to the south. Discovering eSwatini

Friends of Monkole Foundation highlights the work of volunteer doctors

Concilium Sinense: A Century of History and Prophecy for the Catholic Church in China

Christ travels through the United States: Eucharistic Pilgrimage begins

"Fraternity without borders", Rome hosts the new world summit #BeHuman

35 points to learn about the Cuatrecasas-Martínez case

Attempt against honor, basis of the civil lawsuit against Bishop Satué