United States

Bishop Barron wants to found an evangelization-oriented congregation

U.S. Sunday Mass attendance returns to pre-pandemic levels

U.S. bishops reject Trump's immigration measures

March for Life in Washington: pro-baby, pro-family vision

Reports of clerical abuse decline in the United States

Los Angeles fires. The Church brings hope and charity in the midst of desolation.

U.S. bishops express solidarity with the country's immigrants

U.S. bishops congratulate President-elect Donald Trump

Hosffman Ospino: "The presence of Hispanics gives life to the Church".

U.S. Catholics join day of prayer and fasting for peace

Scott Elmer: "During the synod process, people in Denver learned to pray".

Archdiocese of Denver: hotbed of lay apostolates

99 % of U.S. dioceses celebrate some Mass in Spanish

X National Eucharistic Congress concludes in the United States

The greatest love story: second day of the Xth Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis

Tenth National Eucharistic Congress opens with 50,000 people in Indianapolis

Indianapolis prepares for 10th National Eucharistic Congress

"Listen, teach, and send," the pastoral framework for youth ministry in the United States.

U.S. Bishops' Spring Plenary Concludes

U.S. bishops express concern over new immigration policy

Church in the United States presents annual abuse report

Church in the United States presents synthesis document for Synod

Christ travels through the United States: Eucharistic Pilgrimage begins

Jaime Reyna: "The Eucharistic Congress is the best spiritual investment we can make".

Attendees of the Eucharistic Congress will be able to obtain a plenary indulgence

Abortion in the United States, who facilitates it and who defends life?

Assisted reproduction puts conscientious objection in check

Migration in the United States, a drama turned into electoral rhetoric

In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the "Queen City of the West".

What is love? An initiative of the USCCB seeks the answer.

Diocese of St. Augustine: the origin of the faith in the U.S.

Radical solidarity is key to the defense of life

Respect Life novena begins across the U.S.

Church in the United States prays for Christian unity

SEEK24, young people in the light of Christ

Surrogacy is similar to human trafficking

Las Vegas: Catholic faith amidst neon lights

Elizabeth Seton, a record-breaking saint

Brock Martin: "Young people are the future leaders of the Church"

Help us to get to know you better, fill out our form!

Omnes arrives at SEEK24

Communities in the U.S. remember homeless people who have died

Rector Enrique Salvo and the parish of America

Church on the move: Dioceses on the U.S.-Mexico border

US bishops plead for peace in the Middle East in response to attack on Catholics in Gaza

United States celebrates the Virgin of Guadalupe

U.S. Department of Homeland Security seeks to increase protection at houses of worship

Walking Together: on the USCCB Plenary Assembly