
Cardinal Ayuso: "What the Holy Father and the Church are doing for peace is essential".

Are you happy? The question that ACdP is launching this Holy Week.

European Youth Pilgrimage begins to take shape

Several experts underline the legality of immatriculation by the Church

A "competent, pluralistic and international" team to investigate abuse by clergy in Spain

The Russian Orthodox Church in Spain and Portugal and the EEC issue a Joint Declaration for Peace

The Church invites to mark the X in the Renta as a "social shield" of aid

Thousands of people defend life and care for human beings in Madrid

"The Christian is interested in his society because he is part of it."

Bishops promote the right to conscientious objection to laws on abortion and euthanasia

Long live fathers! The ACdP extols the father figure in cities throughout Spain.

A compliance regime for Church institutions in line with canon law

Miguel García BaróThe whole of society, in general, must be cured of sexual abuse".

Sexual abuse in the Church. The deep wound

The communities of contemplative life launch an SOS

"With less money the Church has had and has to do many more things."

Orthodox leaders stand in solidarity with Ukraine, Catholic unity with Pope

Lucas Calonje. Divine content in the ordinary of every day.

Natalia PeiroCaritas' key points of action are people".

The investigation of abuses in the Spanish Church will have "all the necessary scope".

Celso Morga: "We are committed to eradicating child abuse".

Clara PardoI am very proud of the work of Manos Unidas in this difficult moment".

Ecclesia: the digital media of the Spanish Episcopal Conference join forces

"Human rights do not depend on quotas"

The challenge of sustainability of religious institutions

"Illuminare, the mission magazine celebrates its 100th anniversary

Rosa AbadWhat the Lord transmits to you cannot be silenced".

Jesús Díaz Sariego, OPThe vocational shortage can be an opportunity to take up the Gospel ".

Listening is the key to CONFER's work.

Pandemic raises to 11 million people at risk of social exclusion in Spain

Missionary childhood: "Jenet, Michelle and Íscar represent all the children of the world".

The youngest, most affected by the pandemic

José M. AlbaladThe parishes have been the 'field hospital' requested by the Pope".

Closing ceremony of the VIII centenary of Saint Dominic of Guzmán

Spanish bishops offer their collaboration to create humanitarian corridors

The other Christmas portals

Ages of Man, Hakuna and Laura Daniele, Bravo Awards 2021

Freedom and commitment, keys to the contemporary world

Social Weeks in Spain: towards a regeneration of public life

Bishops pray to St. James the Apostle for La Palma and abuse victims

Jaime Mayor OrejaRead more : "Nowadays, anyone who defends firm principles is labeled a fundamentalist".

"The Church is neither of the right nor of the left, it is of Christ."

Society today. Post-Christian, post-secular and post-liberal.

Synod, family and protection of minors: the issues of the Spanish bishops

Rémi Brague proposes forgiveness in the face of 'the culture of cancellation'.

Caritas and Cee unite for the 5th Day of the Poor

Maru Megina: "We must continue to be Church in the working world".

Fray Jesús Díaz Sariego, OP, new President of CONFER