
ALS patients. Choosing to live loving the cross of Jesus

Rebels Wanted. Explaining faith in "millennial" language.

University Way of St. James: with the compass of abandonment

María and José Solana. Faith encounters with teenagers

Love, affectivity and feelings: themes of the II Virtual Congress for Catholic Educators

P.R.A.Y. Station. See what God wants and how God wants it.

St. Gabriel de Córdoba Residence: a family home after prison

Roads of Europe: Germany. Germanic roads

Roads of Europe: Sweden. The road to Scandinavia

Roads of Europe: France. The Via Podiensis of Le Puy en Velay

"With our loaves and fishes, we multiply insertion opportunities".

Marifé, Inés and Pilar. The love of the hidden

The Teresian Way: In the footsteps of the life of St. Teresa of Jesus.

Numerous athletes support weaker human life

A series of lectures will address parent-child relationships

CARF addresses the reality of hypersexualization in our society

Three girls win Race for Life Storytelling Contest

"These Conversations eliminate the gap between social reality and the Church."

Joachim and Barnabas. Worship: an encounter with Christ

Fundación CEU launches 'Haciéndote Preguntas', to analyze the big issues of the day

Skate Hero: A wave of hope

Jacques Philippe: "The pandemic has shown the fragility of Western civilization".

A motorcycle club. Pilgrims of the Virgin

"What St. John of Avila lived is not far from what we find today."

"Whenever we turn our gaze to the Immaculate Conception there will be fruit."

Feminine identity: an approach

Omnes, Race for Life Story Contest Partner

María del Carmen Serrano. Calls from the divine and the human

Discover Barcelona's religious heritage

Jacques Philippe to speak at the next Omnes Forum

Tui Vigo releases a musicalized version of Patris Corde

Traveling to Narnia in a time of pandemic

Athletes for Life launches popular races on June 27th

Torreciudad: from the 11th to the 21st century

...And the Cross of the migrants stopped at the Strait of Gibraltar

Oratorios: friendship, music and faith

10 minutes with Jesus: An audio that talks about Jesus.

Daughters of Jesus open their 150th Anniversary celebrations

Education by Right" is born in defense of freedom of education

Chiara Lubich's culture of unity at UCV

Madrid meeting: trust under debate

Catholics and Public Life Congress: "A Global Reflection on Life".

Art to help future artists

The profaned chalice that travels through Spain

The Order of the Holy Sepulcher assists the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Holy Week Proclamation to the Most Holy Christ of Humility

The compliance model in an ecclesiastical entity, under debate

Forgiveness: a necessary dialogue in the Middle East