
St. Mariana Cope, a life dedicated in Hawaii

Gasol, Verástegui, educational innovation and values, awarded by the CEU

The "Children Singers of the Star", a widespread custom in Central Europe

Eugenio d'Ors (1881-1954): Three hours in the Prado Museum

Carmen Abascal: "Enjoying beauty is within man."

Hilary of Poitiers, the defender of Trinitarian dogma

Pilgrimage to Germany: the Aachen Cathedral

"Leo" and "Abbé Pierre", the proposals to watch this month.

Holly Ordway: "Tolkien said that from the beginning he fell in love with the Eucharist."

Ferrero Rocher, the chocolate inspired by the Virgin of Lourdes

Mary Keller, the nun who revolutionized Computer Science

Not all Popes rest at St. Peter's

Theology must be brought back into harmony with the Church

The origins of the nativity scene

"Ratzinger's theology is symphonic," says Pablo Blanco

Saint Lucia, witness of truth and light

The story of Carlo Acutis, this month's movie recommendation

Simbang Gabi, the Philippine Advent devotion

The Advent wreath, a long-established tradition in Germany

The Legend of St. Nicholas: the origin of Santa Claus

When thinking is not obvious

Contemplare Foundation. Showing the richness of the contemplative life

Forum Omnes "Benedict XVI. Reason and Faith" with Pablo Blanco, winner of the Ratzinger Prize 2023.

Cormac McCarthy (1933-2023). Read The road in a post-pandemic world

Vicente Escrivá: "The Nozaleda case, using religion for political purposes".

The multifaceted genius of St. Albert the Great

Enrique García MáiquezThe following is a quote: "Laughing at the jokes of Providence is already praying".

Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza: "Today there is a Catholicism that sees the need to be more committed".

Director of the Vatican Pharmacy: "It is a place where the sick are listened to and advice is given".

Erik Varden: "No truly edifying word has ever been uttered with contempt."

The hermit San Millán and the cradle of the Spanish language

Consecration of the new altar of the Berlin Cathedral

"Madre no hay más que una", the option to see in theaters this month.

Ana, from "Madre no hay más que una": "I do not realize myself: I am in relation to others".

Pablo Blanco and Francesc Torralba, winners of the Ratzinger Theology Prize 2023

The Survivors: The lives of homeless people.

Onésimo DíazPérez-Embid is a difficult character to categorize".

Religions and media: a problematic relationship?

Wanda Półtawska, physician friend of St. John Paul II, dies

Blanca, from "Madre no hay más que una": "Christian marriage is a source of blessings".

Charles Péguy or the commandment of hope

Why wars activate the Rosary to Our Lady

The Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem dates back to the First Crusade.

"Ratzinger and the Philosophers. The dialogue between theology and philosophy.

Eduardo Verástegui:When good people keep quiet, they become part of the problem".

"Learning Rome" through the early Christians.

The religious configuration in Palestine and Israel. A puzzle of confessions

Calvary, the mountain of the New Covenant